Every major sport, football, baseball, especially basketball and hockey, will televise celebrities who are in attendance at the game.

Taylor Swift is definitely a celebrity.

So you don't like her, the world must stop. Got it.

Every major sport, football, baseball, especially basketball and hockey, will televise celebrities who are in attendance at the game.

Taylor Swift is definitely a celebrity.

So you don't like her, the world must stop. Got it.

Not exactly.

In America, it's not illegal to drink and drive. It is illegal, however, to drive while intoxicated.

Don't make me take the onion off my belt.

Adds new meaning to Sign And Drive.

Jesse Watters started out as Greg Gutfeld's gimp, doing man-on-the-street schtick.

How did he get Tucker Carlson's coveted time slot?

Is he blowing the entire Murdoch clan?


You're welcome. It's a constant struggle when so many are such bad examples of one's own demographic.

Mine didn't. My last policy renewal, the price went down.

Edited to laugh out loud. I made a factual statement that got downvoted because it contradicted the premise. What a fucking snowflake.

As a 60-something year old, please remember that not all of us act like 60-something year olds.

Just sayin '.

I thought that was the chaperone?

Dad was up at 5:30, just waiting for 7:00 to send that.

Siskel and Ebert both gave it thumbs down.

Years ago, the guy who plowed a local Burger King parking lot plowed snow on the city sidewalk leading to the bus stop, all the way to the curb,

The pile was chest deep. People were climbing over it for a couple of days before someone carved a pathway with a snow blower.

God bless winter sports.

That drives me crazy.

It's as if the plan for going out to lunch was organized for being Costco.

I avoid going there on Saturdays altogether.

Some time back, I saw a Costco cart wrangler struggling with an incredibly long train of carts in the parking lot.

From a distance, I hollered, "Thank you for your service!"

We both laughed.

Auditioning to be a McDonald's character?

As humorist Will Rogers famously said, “I belong to no organized party; I am a Democrat".

Dems need to take off the gloves.

FOX4 on weekends for the First Birthday segment.

I like checking out the names parents are giving children nowadays. I'm noticing a trend towards more traditional names and fewer names with apostrophes. The trends are interesting.

KMBC/KCWE the rest of the time.

They are the last station in the city with a news helicopter. It's not flown every day, but I like the aerial camera shots. Occasionally, there's a police chase.

The Patriot Act was passed into law in 2001, of which a portion of it allows for warrantless searches of library lending records.

Some libraries will delete your borrowing history once the books are returned. They only keep track of the books currently loaned out.

Source: My local library does this.

Not to project, but I used to work for a remodeling company that was owned/operated by a couple of guys who met in rehab.

They were absolute jerks.

They were successful and made a lot of money until they weren't and didn't.

I don't think that's uncommon. It's great when someone gets their life straightened out. It's sad when it doesn't work out.

I was only there for 6 months, so I didn't see the company fail.