Well that's far from a genocide, I was thinking of something along the lines of Katyn massacre (shooting of Polish intelligence under the commie dictatorship).

It still sucks tho, and I'm glad to have more options than two equally corrupt parties here in EU.

I'm in the same boat, I didn't care and now I just want politics and ideology to stand aside and focus on software.

Forking isn't a bad idea, but I heard that the recent changes only concern the committee that cares about finances and legals

:czechia: Czechia

they steal your data

Romanian flair

Sure, buddy... You're the one to talk with stealing

(This is a joke, please don't take it seriously)

:czechia: Czechia

In Czechia votings are from Friday afternoon to Saturday whole, so that if you're away on one day, you can vote the other one

Pro Life Christian

And God might not like it, but won't force you to listen, because he wants you to be free. That includes being free to reject him.

Pro Life Christian

What the f, that's not how any of this works. Baby isn't a package.

If you weren't ready, you should've abstained or used protection. Baby's not something forced onto you

Která že kultura kamenuje své ženy za to, že se nezahalují do kokonů?

What the kurwa is going on in 'Murica? A genocide?

Sadly that's the case. Let's hope it doesn't influence any of the actual code and stops at sponsorships

They're just shoving out everyone that disagrees with them. While that's certainly not freedom, I don't care if they are indeed only responsible for legals and finances, and NixOS itself doesn't change nor starts to push any ideology, be it right or left.

Same. If they make good software, I don't care if Stalin jr. himself makes it (a hyperbole)

Physicist :physicist:

Female physicists to be precise, no?

Physicist :physicist:

I did. Yes, that's an actual Steam game


Physicist :physicist:


a̶m̶o̶g̶o̶s̶ SUS OS

That's my point. Has a Debian flair, acts like an Arch btw user.

No offence to actual Arch btw users.

My muscly guy friend is the same, and I've heard it's rather common.

I'm weak as a beansprout and like women with muscles (though anime tomboys might've rotten my brain).

Not even all flabby men dislike them.

Liking girlish stuff makes you gay. There's nothing more girlish than a woman. Therefore liking women is gay.

Depends on whether it's a trans person or strap-on