and the moderators were useless

Why aren't people talking about this more?

The fuck? That protestor is 33. You know, a millennial. Also, WTF kind of point is this?

But I don’t think it’s just that. Biden isn’t a strong debater to begin with. He may know the facts, he may have the right policy decisions but he’s not a strong debater.

Tell me that you're too young to remember the 2012 election without telling me that you're too young to remember the 2012 election.

How? His brash ranting and pandering to the crowd is his entire shtick.

Why did Trump agree to a debate with mic cuts and without a crowd? This would cripple his performance, right?

Gen Z is self-sabotaging

Damn, isn't that a tad harsh? How are they self-sabotaging as an overall demographic? The oldest Zoomers are in their mid-20s; they're still coming into adulthood.

While that's a lovely discussion of why literary snobs should theoretically have a higher regard for the fantasy genre, it doesn't answer why literary snobs currently don't do so. Also, the median fantasy genre fiction doesn't really read like the epics of olden days.

Why did the surge in Buddhism happen? Logically, the "divine wind" should have led to increased worship of the Shinto kami. Granted, the two religions were melded together to an extent, but still...

Legit question. Given the obscene wealth and resources of the adult film industry, how do Republican politicians and their donors see that playing out?

why would you call anyone in an Ashkenazi community Ashkenazi?

We Indians have personal names like Bharata/Bharati which literally mean "India", and also Aryan, like the Indo-Europeans that migrated into India. I honestly wouldn't have thought that it's that weird for an Ashkenazi to be named "Ashkenazi".

To ask a less stupid version of this question, this guy's last name was "Ashkenazi"? Like, named after the population of Eastern European Jews?

You can punch someone in the face at a boxing gym, doing it at a bar is very different.

That analogy only works if "boxing night" at a bar was a thing.

That's just how Bachata is. If she described it any other way, she would be lying.

If he just decided to join a game of pick up basketball mid-date, it would seem a little disrespectful, wouldn't it?

Not if that's the theme of the bar, and especially not if he asked her to join and she declined, and more especially not if he asked her if it was okay and she agreed, even if it led to him getting all hot and sweaty and worked up with a bunch of athletic women in a co-ed pick-up game.

Potentially, they're on a date. Or find something else they can do together.

Come on. He's the one who was being a buzzkill. She dances as a hobby and wanted him to join in.

This is entirely a "you" problem, Dios mio.

She said she found those [Bachata] dances "slow, intimate, and romantic". Tbh it was pretty weird to associate these feelings with activities you do with other (random) guys while you're in a relationship.

You have never taken a bachata class, so I don't blame you for having no context for this. But you're being an unreasonable, puritanical tightass. Try to find time to take a class and learn what actually goes on. Also, Latin dancing is fun as hell.

Seriously, take classes, get good at Bachata, impress her, and upstage all of her guy friends if this makes you feel insecure. And meanwhile, try to learn to decouple the intimacy and sensuality of partner dancing from, you know, sexuality.

Later, she decides to share that slow, intimate and romantic activity with a few strangers, and your answer is yeah babe, go share that slow, intimate and romantic activity with a couple guys!

That's really not the crux of the issue. She already dances this slow, intimate style with others at the class. Assuming it's harmless fun there, there's little reason to believe that it isn't also harmless fun here at the bar. Granted, it's a bar, and people are consuming alcohol, so it's not entirely the same, but still.

I agree with the rest of the comment. OP really cocked up the whole situation.

I mean, yeah. Try a new hobby, see if you like it. Or don't, and make your peace with her dancing with other guys. Or break up and find a new girlfriend who doesn't like to dance.

I highly doubt that, given that comment about "gyrat[ing] on other men".

He does not know how to dance latin music.

He didn't want to try. The basic step and simple turns in bachata can be picked up in a literal minute if he was willing to learn from her.

Spending 10-15 minutes dancing away while your boyfriend is left in the sidelines alone is not cool.

What the hell is she supposed to do? Sit on the side with him and just drink margheritas while watching others dance a style that she enjoys?

I honestly presumed it was a dude from her classes. I checked again, that wasn't the case. Guess I misread.

If you're referring to the OP, that's how I read it as well. The girlfriend happens to know another guy, who obviously knows how to lead (or maybe follow, not making assumptions) the dance. Odds are that she knows the dude from her class.

It's a very different vibe from grinding on a random horny stranger at a random nightclub.

I honestly don't know if you're wasting your breath trying to reason with these insecure manchildren. Still, thank you for fighting the good fight.

You also need to learn that it absolutely is insecure to feel weird about your girlfriend dancing bachata with other guys when she, you know, takes bachata classes and you don't. What is with you people?