But at least you need to visit 2x Nettos and 1x 365 to get all items from one's usual shopping list...

I moved my positions from Interactive Brokers to Saxo without any problems or having to realize the gains. Just ask your current brokerage, as I imagine the process is a bit different for each one. IB had some online forms to fill in where I had to provide the target account for the shares, so I suppose you should start by opening an investment account in Nordnet or Saxo (or both).

I converted 1% to 5% already, 30% lower principal, pay the same amount quarterly, which of course means I pay more in interest than before, but since interest is tax deductable, I’m coming ahead. iirc the two lines crossed for me around 20 years from now where I wouldn’t be ahead after the conversion. If I go back down to 3%, I’d be happy…

one can also take the riskier gamble a convert to float and then you have smaller margin and down conversion for free

I used this one and he was very good, explained everything, etc: https://www.mavekirurg.dk/

thanks! I saw a red fleg today at Cala Mayor in the morning, my guess because of the rain and sea contamination by wastewater.

Beach status online?

Hi, I’d like to check the beach status online to not waste time going from one beach to the next just to find a red flag there. Is there an app or a website where one can look up which beaches have a red flag/beach status? Muchas gracias!

can you please post a link? I tried googling but couldn’t find it (only found old news about wastewater discharge).

well that’s part of the reason… why go through the trouble of moving to another country to feel poor here? If I move somewhere where I can have a servant at home and earn multiples of locals, then life is somewhat easier… I can live in a good location, and afford the best the place can offer.

Thanks. Do you happen to know if Apple TV can Airplay sound to HomePods and video to MacBook Pro?

HomePod pair as a home theater system with MacBook Pro?Question/Support

Hi all, I’ve read that a pair of HomePods can be used with Apple TV as a home theater system (https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT207705). Do y’all know if this can be done also with MacBook Pro M1 as the device playing the movie or is AppleTV a requirement? I’ve tried googling and searching the subreddit but couldn’t find it. Thanks!

Now we just need to find those jobse where they won’t look funny at you when you say you’re leaving at 2pm while working full time.

> that if the bus starts driving without you having a ticket, then you can get a fine

That actually happened quite often to me when I used my rejsekort and wanted to check in extra ppl, the driver starts driving and does their thing with the check-in machine. I wonder if one can get fined while the driver is trying to check your group in with one rejsekort. I would expect so, but who knows...

but then you wouldn’t be able to buy a ticket from the driver right?

  1. crossing Amagerbrogade on a bike from Øresundsvej to Englandsvej.

When you say treat as normal crossing, do you mean to stop in front of King Chicken before crossing Amagerbrogade?

That's interesting, because from my experience 99% of bikes just cross the Amagerbrogade without stopping for another green light, as when coming from Oresundsvej that means you essentially first wait for the light to turn green, then just go around the corner to wait for the car traffic from Oresundsvej, then wait for car and bike traffic on Amagerbrogade to pass and then for the light to turn green again in the same direction (Oresundsvej -> Englandsvej). Also, the cars turning right from Orseundsvej can then see you even less when you try to cross the second time around.

I think it's just a bizarre traffic situation.

Almost as weird as the abomination on Dybbolsbro...

what if the bike is parked in a parking lot/parking space for a car? Is there a difference if it’s a limited parking (eg 2h) or a private parking lot? Is there a difference if it’s a cargo bike that’s locked and can’t be moved?

also, can you get a parking ticket as a bike?


Might be a good time to ask about the laws, then…

As a foreigner, I’ve always been confused about this:

1) Is this a pedestrian crossing? https://maps.app.goo.gl/BG6VA8DFiMYVNeFN8?g_st=ic

2) How to correctly behave on S shaped crossroads as a bike? E.g. over here https://maps.app.goo.gl/xZjuku1K9FbH2Mms7?g_st=ic going from Vermlandsgade to Holmbladsgade on a bike, getting a green light on Vermlandsgade, should I stop before crossing Østrigsgade?

3) Similar, but slightly different S shaped crossing Amagerbrogade on a bike from Øresundsvej to Englandsvej.

4) Biking east over here https://maps.app.goo.gl/y2P8p6HjpD7V3sPF6?g_st=ic turning north on the asphalt road, while someone going in the opposite direction but going straight (north to south) heading from the asphalt road to dirt road. Who has the right of way?