i'm very insulted you would... point out my hobby that I post online? Just what I'd expect from a filthy hockey fan!

But I did also happen to notice you're a Kyle Rittenhouse stan who lives in Canada, that's extremely embarrassing

Saying she was caught by a "canine police officer" is dumb, she was caught by a cop holding a leash. Like I said, drug dogs are highly inaccurate, they searched her because they wanted to search her and they had a dog with them as an excuse to do so. And they got a hit, so why perpetuate the myth that drug sniffing dogs are a legitimate policing tool? I don't like Nicki Minaj or her sex offender husband at all, I would have searched their bags just to make their day worse even if I had watched them pack lol

I mean, the same is true when you fly out of a recreational state in the US but they typically just confiscate it. Should have learned to hide her shit better I guess.

imo transporting a personal stash of drugs across international borders is not even in the top 100 most objectionable things Nicki Minaj has done, and celebrities get away with that shit all the time, so I understand her shock at actually getting in trouble over it lol

"Canine police officer" lmao

Drug sniffing dogs are 4 legged probable cause machines that cue off the locations where their handlers expect to find drugs more than the actual presence of drugs. The dog's not racist, it's doing whatever the cop wants it to do.

I mean, it's Amsterdam, you would think they wouldn't be that bothered about finding weed.

ACAB: Amsterdam Cops Are Bardigang?

Plot twist, it's a lady dwarf named Hugh who earned the epithet by fighting men

If the Mongolians invade, however, we had best lay down our arms and accept our new role in the Khanate

How bad is it, are you getting queasy going for a full speed Ginger drop on silks or are you having trouble just getting a rotation going on lyra?

If you're getting less value out of class because you get too dizzy, I'd say just do the same moves without a spin and try to incorporate that part later. That goes double for anything inverted.

For the carsickness I recommend a little bit of ginger candy and avoiding taking any pills in the 4 hours leading up to class.

It doesn't stand out as much on the upper chains, if you could get the side chains to look similar it would help. However I think you can get a bunch of (steel) pendant bails for pretty cheap, and imo those would look better and might make the assembly easier.

For 50 USD I would want a cleaner attachment between the chains and the rings. Not sure if that's part of the plan for the improved version, if it is then disregard. It would add to the material cost to put another part in, but I think you could push the price up a bit more to compensate if you wanted. As is though I think the connections look DIY, which is not to say it looks bad, I just expect a different look from a professionally made product.

Johnny Cakes. Great mustache, a refreshingly sympathetic character. Also, he clobbered Vito, the "I knew that was coming" guy.

Also just wanted more Furio, since he didn't get killed off I kept hoping he'd be back. Stupida facking show

Ace hardware has it, other hardware stores probably do too. Also on Amazon. Just make sure the kind you get is ultra pure and not scented or dyed.

no doubt adventuring in search of revenge against the elven assassin Aeron Kar'Dor

where have I seen those lenses before


Cleric, Fighting-Man, and Magic-User were first, Thief and Paladin came in the first supplement (Greyhawk) a year later.