Meet Thai Food! We call him Thai or Thai-o for short


Very much would like to join. I love the whole idea of this and the effort yall are putting in to make a safe space. God speed soldiers, that sounds like a crazy amount of vetting yall are getting done

Mercy one trick for years out of necessity- medication I was on for years made my hands shake so bad that landing shots for me was impossible. Even then, if someone took her, I would play someone else terribly and take her if they switched.

People who are rude about it makes me ashamed to admit I'm a recovering one trick. (About 700 hours on mercy, finally got off the medication and withdrawal for it finally ended)


Too late is when you are on your deathbed, in my opinion. With the way medicine is going and assuming you're healthy, that's decade's of life ahead of you. You have years left for you to heal, and find someone if you want. Sure you may not have your youth or be dating in the prime of it, but there is hope to be found if you can reach for it.

You don't need to love someone romantically to live a full life, but it sure adds some spice. I believe in you if you ever decide to attempt to tip your toe into the dating pool

:Pachimari_Spray: Pachimari

I had the same issue, until I started messing around on Ana. I realized galf the ults I used were to keep someone alive.

Once I started assuming nano is just to keep me alive, and whatever I do with it is extra helped a ton on the pressure.

Oh wow, I guess the rule of "If child or animal falls asleep on you, you aren't allowed to move until they wake up" applies to dogs too! Poor momma is looking up at the camera like "What do I do now??"

Not quite a injury, but still related to EDS and funny.

When I was a child at a appointment at a local children's hospital, a year or so after being diagnosed, my pain management doc asks if it's okay if some med students observe my appointment.

She does a physical exam, and at one point shows to the students my range of motion in my ankles. I was like "That's nothing, watch this!" And then turned my right foot completely 180, so my toes were pointing backwards compared to my left foot.

Watching a few of the students get squeamish was funny, but the doctor freaked out the most lmao

TV show 911 lonestar has a Trans black man as one of the main characters. I love him too, Paul is such a badass in the series!

I take medication for PTSD that has stopped me from dreaming a majority of the time. However, I had a rare dream recently of him despite the medication. It was one of the few good dreams I've had in a long while ๐Ÿฅน

I also got diagnosed autistic at 11, bipolar at 19. The way I know it's hyperfocus and not mania is that I'm able to go to sleep. When I'm just really passionate about a special interest, I'm still able to fall asleep easily enough, just thinking on that topic up until I slip into dreamland.

When I'm manic Ill just straight up not sleep. I'll use the extra time for my special interest, most likely, but it's the not-sleeping thing that's the key for me

:Pachimari_Spray: Pachimari

Awww, I love that! I'm a mercy one trick, so I don't really hear the spawn interactions for either of those characters often lol. Thank you for sharing!

:Pachimari_Spray: Pachimari

May I ask what interaction Roadhog has with Ana? Been playing since like 2017, and realized I can't remember any conversations between the two.

I didn't know this was a trend lmao. Second born chiming in to share one time, when I was the younger girls age, I decked a girl on the playground. She had shoved my older sister off a slide. She turned out to be the daughter of my baseball coach, who interrupted my moms frantic apology to say his daughter had earned that black eye ๐Ÿ˜…

TIL! I had the term in passing a few times but never realized that's what they meant. I thought they just really liked skiing or something ๐Ÿ˜…

May I ask where this term comes from/ what it means? Is that supposed to be like beach bunnys?

I love her stuff, but didn't know she has EDS!! Thank you for sharing this, it makes me feel a little more normal seeing someone successful I look up to struggling with one of the same challenges as me ๐Ÿฅน

I use it in conversations sometimes, but more like sad trombone noises than trying to shut someone down. Like, "I failed that test I studied so hard for. Womp womp" is something I've said multiples times lol

"Anything worth whole-assing is worth half-assing."

Too depressed to brush my teeth? Use some mouthwash, better than nothing. I hurt too bad to fully shower? Use a wet wash cloth to wipe down at least. I'm too tired to make a sandwich to take my medication? Eat a slice of cheese straight out of the bag, and the same with a few pieces of lunch meat.

I live by this motivational phrase when I'm struggling.

There's a non-canon secret ending of the first option I believe. The creator of the game got so much hate for it, it was a huge mess.