Yeah I was just kidding. However if you have a product they work great for sales. Retargetting matters more than anything. Looking at your ads like a funnel. Those look alike audiences are $$ once you have them dialed

Instagram story ads CPMs are still cheap šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜†

Yet you still havenā€™t told me if backlinks are the determining factor how a site with less backlinks, like 100 times less at 30k, and 0 backlinks at the page, out ranks mega authorities with more backlinks, like Amazon, Home Depot, and every major furniture site. Sites that have millions of backlinks.

No data

No anything.

When Google has clearly said in their own guidelines that user engagement metric matter more.

I donā€™t care how many backlinks you have. If the user engagement metrics arenā€™t there you will get dropped like a rock. And if the intent of the searcher isnā€™t met. That is the point that you all continually deflect from.

And yes every point youā€™ve made here is just a Grumpy talking point youā€™ve regurgitated with no actual data to support ANYTHING youā€™ve said.


This is exactly why you follow people like grumpy.

Angrily? šŸ¤£ relax

So you have better shit to do, but clearly didnā€™t see my newest response/nitification, but sent a new response indicating you were typing while I was sending. manā€¦.

I provided What you asked. Now explain quality woods outranking authorities and has 0 links at the page.

Way to deflect. Grumpy taught you well šŸ¤£

Let me remind you, you came to comment on MY POST. Not the other way around šŸ¤”

I already did you just type slow. Look at my other comment about ā€œL shaped wooden deskā€

Ranking page has 0 links, site has 30k, yet outranks massive authorities


To add letā€™s do something with vastly different authorities. So by your theories a small website should not be able to out rank a large one.

Yet qualitywoods . Com is outranking Amazon, Home Depot and all major furniture stores for ā€œL shaped wooden deskā€

1400 vol, med comp, commercial intent

It has 30k links at the domain, and 0 links at the ranking page.

It ranks because itā€™s a collections page with multiple l-shaped wooden desks and when users arrive to the page theyā€™re sending the signals Google wants to see. It provides the best experience.

0 links

The problem is you donā€™t understand anything about SEO, arenā€™t doing any split tests to see if what youā€™re saying is actually true, and blindly follow charlatans like grumpy.

Web MD has higher quality backlinks. And 10x more than drugs.

Youā€™ve done nothing but generalize SEO to backlinks and make assumptions about why it ranks.

No proof

No data

No anything

Just amygdala juice spewing from you brain

Web MD does NOT have a better UX for the word pill identifier. Anyone with a pulse should be able to see that


The quality isnā€™t similar. The intent is completely different. The UX of drugs site for pill identifier smashes everything.

Refuse to use logic and common sense?

There is nothing common about the Google algo. Go read a patent dude. And stop regurgitating what youā€™ve heard grumpy say. He doesnā€™t know wtf heā€™s talking about,

And NOTHING you said makes sense.

And NO ONE said Google had the ability to detect Good content. I wouldnā€™t be ranking my spam AI shit if it was able. Lorem Ipsum is literally on the 1st page of Google sometimes.

Itā€™s an algorithm as youā€™ve said, that detects a hell of a lot more than backlinks.

Yup and what Iā€™ve personally witnessed is once we send the right signal Google, itā€™s like they do a test to see what the traffic is going to do. So they kick the ranking and traffic up and if the UX signals donā€™t provide what Google wants to see, the traffic boost is short lived.

Weā€™ve figured out ways to send those UX signals and our traffic and ranking stays.

Google knows when youā€™re providing people what users want

Just get a serp tracker. Tracking it manually is useless when serps fluctuate consistently

Whatsmyserp. Com is a free serp tracker and itā€™s decent

It was just an example. Iā€™m not gonna try to rank for

TVs Shoes Groceries

Etc if itā€™s a continual uphill battle. I donā€™t fight Google. If I drop for a keyword thereā€™s an endless amount more I can make it up with. Itā€™s simple.

To add, youā€™re a local grocery store. I noticed a similar drop with a national brand recently and we just made it up elsewhere. Canā€™t control the algo. Iā€™m not sure why youā€™d worry about this. Your goal is sell more products and maps should be your focus. Create more pages and content however youā€™d like, but thereā€™s just too many keywords.

Authorities lost traffic to little spam AI sites.

Such is Google. You just outwork it.

And all Iā€™m saying is there is a way to beat them and it isnā€™t adding more backlinks. Iā€™m sure UX signals play a huge role here. And grocery stores are heavily branded in peoples brains.

Are you a national chain? If youā€™re not a national chain why would Google give you more search presence than a well known grocery store for key terms?

If Iā€™m selling Nike shoes I donā€™t try to rank for ā€œNike shoesā€

I complete a keyword analysis and go after the keywords I can rank for. Why would you bang your head over key terms when thereā€™s an endless ocean of keywords that drive valuable traffic and various stages of the funnel?

I 100% agree.

So with that we can take our clients, do a comp analysis, find low hanging fruit where the comp hasnā€™t done a great job of matching the intent, and beat them. Without adding more backlinks and simply using the sites current authority. Even if weā€™re up against sites with massive authority and 20x more quality backlinks than us.

Iā€™m willing to bet you outrank them for other products if youā€™re as reputable as you say you are.

Backlinks raise your growth ceiling. I like this šŸ‘ itā€™s a great way to put it.

Clicks are UX. Content delivered upon click is UX. Thereā€™s more but just turning the light bulb on here

Yep. Well until you get to a certain point. Iā€™ve had sites with a couple 100 good referring domains out rank site with millions. I also think domain age and reputation play a factor. Amongst many other things

Quit projecting and stay on topic. Speculative bs is exactly that, and Iā€™m not angry if I refer to it as such. Relax

Oh youā€™re a Grumpy Guy fan girl šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ maybe when you donā€™t rank anything after a while youā€™ll finally stop listening to redditors with no proof or data to provide