I remember we have a clip string of these toy ninjas play fart noises when they detect motion. During a night shift everyone ran around sneaking the strip on trolleys while people arent looking so theyd turn around and just hear fart noises

The fact that this isnt obvious is even worse... so many people, me included, could easily fall for this

Wait where tf did they put those buttons.. our store isnt on store assist yet

I definitely am throwing myself in her bed 🤤

What is bros intentions 💀

Do you switch between keyboard and controller to heal??

>! Po3 doesnt actually delete the file. He adds a txt file saying pls delete the file in the same directory as the file !<

They do for another year at most

Literally what is the point in these?

Yall are getting extra pay? I work in asda no one gets extra pay lol

The brain works in mysterious ways. Im completely sober from when i start walking home to when i get home, but before and after i fail to function as a human