Check out this by Scott Aaronson:

He is a leading mind in quantum computing, and this essay comes at the basics from a computer science point of view.

Quote from Aaronson’s Lecture: “Quantum mechanics is what you would inevitably come up with if you started from probability theory, and then said, let's try to generalize it so that the numbers we used to call "probabilities" can be negative numbers. As such, the theory could have been invented by mathematicians in the 19th century without any input from experiment. It wasn't, but it could have been.”

This is also a chapter in his book, Quantum Computing since Democritis

The minor third (in 12-tone, equal-tempered tuning) is very close to the 19th harmonic of the fundamental: (look at the "Harmonics and tuning" section for a table of harmonics and their closest 12TET interval)

I appreciate the feedback and I agree that the modules are horribly confusing at first glance. For the "Oh Peas!" attenuverter/quantizer, I will be adding labels to the knobs and inputs, and the functionality is similar to other CV-controlled attenuverters so hopefully that will help.

"I Love Cookies" however is not like any other real or virtual sequencer that I am aware of so I'm struggling to come up with any labels that be helpful. I think reading the manual (todo) or watching a tutorial video (todo) will be required to learn how to use this one.

You mentioned that making the modules look more like hardware modules would be helpful. Do you have any suggestions for this other than adding labels to inputs/outputs/knobs?

Again thanks for the feedback!

New Modules Preview: I Love Cookies (cv/signal sequencer) and Oh Peas! Differential Quantuverter


I’m working on some new modules. I plan to release them to the plugin manager within the next few weeks. The code is available on github if you’d like to build and run yourself.

I Love Cookies is a 6-channel CV/signal sequencer. You program a sequence by entering text. Lowercase letters a thru z are used for the knobs (constant CV), while uppercase letters A thru Z are for the 26 input jacks.

Oh Peas! Differential Quantuverter is a 4-channel CV-controlled attenuverter/offsetter/quantizer. The top “block” of input, small knob, and big knob for each channel is the attenuverter. The bottom “block” is the offsetter. The scale used for quantization of the attenuverter/offset signal is entered in the text field. Entering “2212221” will quantize the attenuverted/offset signal to the major scale. Each number in the input is used as a distance between notes. “3333” will quantize to a diminished chord (4 minor thirds).

Demonstration video:

Named in memory of my six-scissored step-aunt

New Free Module: Father & Son Patch Sequencer by computerscare

Announcing a new free module I've created: Father & Son Patch Sequencer. It's basically a mental modules patch matrix with 16 "scenes". It allows you to sequence the connections between modules. Works with triggers, CV, audio, or whatever signal type your little heart desires! It's available for free in the plugin manager from "Computerscare Modules". Hope you enjoy! Any feedback is welcome.

Tutorial video:




There are 3 components to the color of each pixel over time:

4 "envelope" functions described here in pseudocode as an array b=[b0,b1,b2,b3]. Each "b" function returns the 40th power of the sin of half the time. Each "b" function thus spikes to 1 at a different time in a loop, and is otherwise 0.

4 spatial functions. f=[f0,f1,f2,f3] In this case, sin(radius from center), sin(x position), sin(y position), sin(angle * 3)

So [f0,f1,f2,f3] = [sin(r),sin(x),sin(y),sin(3*angle)]

The color for each pixel is either black or grey depending on the following conditional:
sin(r)*b0 + sin(x)*b1 + sin(y)*b2 + sin(3*t)*b3 < 0.

A more general description: The color of each pixel is black if the weighted sum of the 4 spacial functions is negative. The weights change over time.

I am using a combination of clock divider, bernoulli gates, and sequential switch modules to create the drum pattern. The bernoulli gates create a random pattern from their input clock source (I think I use the 16ths and 8ths in this case). The sequential switches are clocked at 2 and 4 bars, so every 2 or 4 bars each drum's pattern changes to be either steady or random.

I think I'm doing a poor job describing this... you are probably going to understand better if you examine my actual patch!