Wrong expletive. More like "Shit with it".

Communications was always a fairly relevant major for athletes who were trying to play profesionally. Even before podcasting, players had to deal with the media. It basically gives them PR training while meeting the academic requirements needed to play their sport (on top of being less rigorous than other majors).

It became even more relevant when sports talk shows embraced the 24 hour news cycle in the late 90s/early 2000s and there were a lot more positions for players to become "analysts" after their playing careers.

And now it's just even more relevant than ever with the podcast boom.

When I was a kid I used to run around saying "buttered toast" like Ed all the time. Drove my parents crazy.

But show me a picture of her at both ages and I feel like I wouldn't be able to tell which is which.

Fellatio Del Toro

I'm happy things worked out the way they did. NBC likely would have insisted on more creative control. And Psych was perfect for USA's "blue sky" period. I don't think it would have been the same show on NBC.

He was. Ketamine raises your blood pressure and hot tubs are known to be dangerous to people with heart disease. The heat makes your heart work harder to pump blood. They list his cause of death as "acute effects of ketamine, with other contributing factors including drowning, coronary artery disease and buprenorphine effects". My guess is he took too much ket, raising his blood pressure to unsafe levels. Then he got in the hot tub which caused his heart to start working even harder. The combination probably caused a cardiac episode, making him lose consciousness and slip under the water.

This kid's mum: Stop wearing that bloody Eagles kit everywhere! Wearing that all the time isn't going to make Jason Kelce suddenly appear!

This kid: Hold my beer...

I heard he's actually planted knee deep in James Gunn's backyard. In the last few F&F movies, Dom Torretto is actually played by Sean Gunn in a baldcap and touched up in post.

I'm sure it was terrible for his recovery for that to be said so publicly. But it increases engagement and draws in viewers, and that's what really matters.

Ugh, that would be terrible. Not that his father-in-law passing isn't terrible. But that would be a whole new level of terrible.

I think you forgot a word. That makes it sound like Sam passed away.

They fixed it.

He wasn't even originally in the script. He just showed up one day dressed like a tree yelling "I am Groot!" over and over. Everyone was just too afraid to tell him to leave so they made it work with a little "Hollywood Magic".

"I want to see the Colts Bills beat the Patriots 49-0, then I yell at Tom Brady and make him cry, then I hook up with Dave Matthews and we play Golden Tee for 10 hours. 🎶Ah, little baby🎶" -Andy Dwyer Josh Allen

Exactly. I don't think they outright threw it. But I don't think they put in 100% past maybe the 1st quarter. As soon as things started going sideways I think they basically shrugged and said "Okay, you can have this one. We'll just finish this off at home."

I'm a massive Simpsons fan and would even watch new episodes into the late 20-something seasons even though I rarely enjoyed them. But I couldn't keep going after Julie Kavner started to lose her voice. It's unfortunate to hear Castellaneta's voice is starting to go too. Not their fault. I doubt the imagined they would still be doing these voices in 2024 when they started way back in the 80s. Hell, I doubt they thought they would still be doing these voices in 2024 in 2000.

Yup, Billy West said he based Fry's voice on his own voice in his early 20's. But that was when he was in his mid-40s. Now he's 72. Makes sense that even as a professional voice actor he can't quite sound like he did when he was 20 anymore.

Nah, their arch nemesis would be Tyreek Hill.

:bos2: Boston Red Sox

What did they say? I can't find a video of this specific clip.

OP totally sounds like one of those guys to me. He only talks about how hot his past girlfriends were, not only misses the drugs and the partying but also the petty crime, his entire sense of happiness is based on whether or not he has a hot girl to fuck. Personally, it sounds to me like he kicked the drugs but never addressed the underlying issues that caused the addiction. Which is to be commended, it is no small feat. But I think he never finished the process. I think he still has some very out-of-touch and immature views about self-worth, love, and happiness. I know it's not what he wants to hear, but I think what would help him the most would be to really focus on therapy and discovering a sense of self and what he wants out of life. I do sincerely hope he figures it out.