
Cool, enjoy playing 2 centers like it's 1983 while your number one option continues to make money plays with one foot out the door. This contract extension is convincing your girlfriend who doesn't like you to stay with you because you'll pay her rent.

The 2020s Clippers don't come close to both Nets disasters.

Matt Devlin

Depends what we get back for Brucey. If we have space I wouldn't mind signing Kyle Anderson. Caleb Martin would be a nice addition as well but I don't think we have enough for him.

If the thunder don't win a championship this decade it'll be the largest failure this century.

Matt Devlin

There have been almost no trades at all this whole offseason, teams are figuring their stuff out. Bruce is a way for teams to get out of sticky situations and there might be alternative ways they're looking at as well. I don't think anything is happening with him soon.

Matt Devlin

The Warriors are now unable to trade for Paul George and are in cap hell. We have contracts to get them out of it. That's why this matters. Philly could add prime Shaq and Michael and it wouldn't matter at all to us lol we're not even in a play-in team.

Matt Devlin

I mean he could, we just don't know. We're making a pretty sound bet that we're better with him than without him. I don't really know why you're trying to gauge what this team will be like in 4 years when no one currently on the team was here 4 years ago except for Boucher. There will be lots of changes and that could include quickly, all that matters is that we've got him on a safe long term contract.

Matt Devlin

Of course that's what everyone wants. Do you think signing quick to 18% of the cap instead of 20% is going to haunt us? This had to happen to continue to move forward

Matt Devlin

This is a step towards being good again, but none of this is locked in. I think there's a less than 50% chance that next time we're inn the ECF Scottie is on the team. It's hard to win dude, and it's hard to know when your time is. Quickly is a talented young guard who we're happy to have under contract. That's all there is right now. We literally might tank again next season lol no one is thinking about contending seriously.

Matt Devlin

No it's not. It has nothing to do with contention, we're locking in a talented young point guard at a fair market deal for 5 years. He could be an all star, he could be the best player on the team, he could be a trade chip, he could tear his ACL and never be better than a bench guy. Literally has nothing to do with contention right now.

Matt Devlin

Who knows what this team looks like when it's time to complete lol this is a promising group that are also strong assets if a better opportunity arises