It just sounds like you’re mincing words and finding a way to excuse them indirectly. No one can ever replicate the past atrocity 100% but they are definitely perpetrating a genocide with their current arsenal and political support

That’s exactly what it is, play by play. They figure since they were the victims during the holocaust it gives them a free pass to commit a genocide at this point. Racist animals want to kill innocent people and steal their land and then cry about being the victims of the world

Trump just yelled and spewed out lies as usual, he’s fighting to give Russia everything they’ve always wanted and paid his traitor ass for

He has money so he gets a free pass in your words, got it.

I love my fellow Jewish and Israeli brothers and sisters now and forever, but I won’t ever support anyone supporting death to innocent people

He’s made it clear that’s who he is and that’s what he’s willing to go to bat with.

By acting as it being business as usual

Deflecting is how the nazis began the holocaust, it’s just standard practice perhaps.

Lmao, well they were living in their homes within a country. Now they’ve began racially cleansing (killing) their neighbors and stealing their land. But it’s justified because of…holocaust, our corrupt politicians making bogus laws, claiming to be the chosen ones, what’s the reason of the week?

Let me see if I can find the smallest violin ever so I can play it to your imaginary victimization.

Let’s just say all of that land wasn’t theirs to begin with

That certainly justifies a genocide of an entire country indiscriminately killing women and children and then stealing their land which isn’t anything new

They spin it before anyone else can, this way you can still defend the loser regardless of the statutory rape situation.

Dumbass online is aware they mentioned it but neglected to mop the floor with his reputation and flipped the story to make it similar to the way they portray female teachers who rape their underage students. They paint the picture they want people to see.

He’s a repulsive supporter of the genocide in Israel, and he recently visited the region to pick out a new plot of stolen land. He’s not the same person we thought he was. We should’ve seen through his nonsense when he was dating underage girls but the media swept that under the rug to protect their own.

Those missing ingredients didn’t agree with their genocide so they were labeled antisemitic and removed from their position

It’s a shame to see that money is the deciding factor for committing crimes in distant regions and silencing academic faculty across the world for recognizing obvious truths which are now taboo to mention. It all boils down to financial influence and shameless corruption.