They won’t fix it at this point. Ranked had a really really good run in my opinion but it might be over

Ranked for this game has been restrictive, with how bad mm has been for all other modes it’s disappointing we couldn’t get a BR ranked alongside the new loadout. Just not enough players

Predictable right? This is what happened with halo 5 and it’s why fixing the MCC is actually a huge accolade for 343, specifically Pier. I’ll probably be going back to halo 3 as infinite continues to get worse and worse with a lack of players

Totally valid. I’ve been playing red dead redemption two and I love it. I’ve been playing some OpenMW as well, super retro but actually more interesting than Skyrim

But again, not innocent. Not a criminal as far as we know, yes. But surely not innocent

Alright so please explain to me what “leaning too much in the direction of being inappropriate” means exactly so you can draw the line on what is and isn’t okay to send to a minor as a grown man with a family

Well he self admitted to sexting a minor so

Two trees equals stars? If anything the trees kind of extinguished the light of the stars the elves lived in before the lamps

Since you need me to spell it out, if you think playing like mint requires cheating you’re not good at the game.

If you don’t think Biden put together a coherent sentence and trump did you don’t understand English or politics

Mint is better, hiddenxperia, fairly, hasn’t made shit about infinite lately.

Literally the game with the most quitters I’ve ever played in my entire life. I bet every single one of you mfs quits out of matches as soon as you go down a few points in slayer

To say mint hates halo is actually the funniest thing I’ve seen on Reddit today and there was a presidential debate last night

He is branching out, but you shouldn’t blame him for loving the game we all love

That’s how matchmaking works we’ve been talking about it since the game came out

Bro the fuck mint literally has videos about community maps and goings ons every week

And you keep pretending that if they were successful trump wouldn’t have stepped in and snatched up the seat of power indefinitely. He’s NOT a patriot

And you’re okay with voting for a criminal? What’s the difference lmao

And again I’ll reiterate that writing off our court system as bogus to defend a morally bankrupt politician is the reason America is falling apart