I’d love to get a load of how big the person is who wrote that.

Sal’s dementia is ALWAYS charming. JD is annoying.

Since the pandemic , the roads are full of offensive drivers and NO ONE signals before changing lanes anymore. The cars might as well come without the blinkers. No one gives a FUCK!

Also anyone here pretending the cause of this / effect of it aren’t two sides of the same coin are really acting holier than thou. I’d love to know what human destruction yall left in your wake , whether you were aware of it or not.

Listen - the fact of the matter is this. After 2020 - NO ONE gives a fuck anymore. People drive like animals , treats their employees like shit. The chickens are coming home to roost now. Stealing from employees tips is disgusting- so don’t be surprised if some crazy ass decides to do something about it. The moral of this story to me is - follow the golden rule and some nut won’t run you over. It’s hard out there right now. People have had night. Also , my dad said that restaurant sucked ass anyway.

The op no doubt is a hideous CHUD. That’s what ugly people do. They hide behind their tough keyboards and make fun of people’s looks. He’s probably one of the assholes who rip the show to shreds and still listens to every word like a little bitch.

The op hates women. He’s also probably a big fat piece of trash who don’t get laid.

Angriest group of fucks on God’s green earth.

Out of all corners of the internet, the so called “fans” who post here are without a doubt the saddest, angriest pieces of shit I’ve ever seen. Jesus Christ- if you don’t like the show, listen to something else. I know it won’t do any good to tell you this. You either already know this or are too stupid to see it. Allow me to quote a certain diminutive limo driver : “GO AND FUCK YOURSELF!”

I’m sorry to say this - and it’s going to be hypocritical because I hate it when everyone here talks shit about Howard’s looks- but JD is almost an instant skip for me. I cannot stand his stammering and how he uses “d” instead of “t” in words like “there.” He is maddeningly childish and boring to me. Sorry, JD. You’re the real BENJY.

Pelican? How dare you talk about a man who has accomplished more in his life than you could possibly hope to in 10 lifetimes. I’m sure you’re real attractive, too. GO TO HELL.

A lot of the people who post in here sound fucking stupid. If you don’t like the Stern Show, there are a million shitty podcasts out there to waste you time with , DU!

Called a kid up to play in Nashville 2005 and he couldn’t do it , so BJA gave him the guitar and told him to “go home a fucking practice.” 🤷🏻‍♂️

Now that’s the nicest thing I’ve ever seen online. You’re evolved!

What was up with that “big dude “ in the doorway?

First night of Philly was maybe the best show I’ve seen.

Eh I enjoy listening to the music. No need for jumping jacks and cart wheels …

Cheap camping / lodging on the Cuyahoga/ Clarkston loop

Trying to do these two on the cheap … besides rest stops or wal-marts, are there any cheap places to crash that y’all know of? Looking forward to seeing ya there.


Maybe a Kenny Chesney concert is more your speed? Also, newsflash … the world is full of assholes. Have you been hibernating for the last 6 years? Wake up, dude.