Not that I’m aware of, but their website is pretty easy to use

If you’re taking about the modeling, I bought them from the third party bits provider, Tiny Legends

I had some high quality Tiny Legend bits that made it all possible!

I used Karak Stone with some Agrax Earthshade. I came back and did some very minor highlight work with Karak Stone.

I can’t take any credit for those! I picked up a pair of Battle Ready Bases and converted them from 25 mm to 28 with some spacers. Great product!

A lot of the photos that I’ve seen still have branches and shattered tree trunks visible among the mud and craters myself, but I guess it just depends on what reference materials you look at.

I think a bit of foliage would help here. A rock or two and some dead grass and or tree branches might be nice.

Automatic upvote for dogs. Idc.

If someone points at their army and tells me it’s Krieg, I don’t super care what they look like. I’m not going to tell someone what models they need to use just like I’m not going to tell them how they “should” be painted. I personally enjoy the FW models and the vibe GW has created with their models, but I’m not really interested in gatekeeping those who don’t want to pay a premium for it

Dude what? Tiny legend models literally look more like Forge World than the new Krieg Killteam.

I mean either two auto cannons and one mad cannon, or the opposite. Mortars don’t need direct LOS, so you’d probably want to hide those unlike either of the other options

Worth it is a bit subjective. I think you might have a tough time getting use out of all three simultaneously. If variety is your thing, maybe consider doubling up on two of the cannons. I ended up going with three motor teams myself.

Love the recess shading! These tanks look super clean when you don’t wash the whole thing. I would go back over that shading with white to clean it up and make it a bit neater. Painting white is HARD. I see a few spots you could go over a few times with your white to get better coverage, just remember to thin your paints. Some weathering would go a really long way on this as well.

Assuming you pay for the year, you get a free miniature worth (maybe) $35. You get full access to the warhammer app, which feels like about another $10 with of value. From there, I think it’s just a question of if you can make up the remaining $15 in the value of warhammerTV and the vault. Tbh, it’s questionable at best. Definitely they need to level up their game, and under no circumstances should you buy a year 1 month at a time.

I feel like this is a bit cynical and missing some nuance. US companies definitely benefited from Lend Lease, but at the end of the day $50 billion in aid to the allies wasn’t some scheme by FDR to enrich the American companies. It was to prop up the allies. I also think people give Russia too much credit for throwing their troops into a meat grinder. Troops lost is not the end all be all metric for contribution to the war effort, and Russia could have significantly reduced those numbers by better preparing for Barbarossa.

Absolutely. And as mentioned here, I recommend a sylvaneth bark drybrush and a wash of Agrax earthshade if you’re looking to up the detail, but that’s totally optional.

Who’s gonna tell him? 😂