+5 Karma

Thank you, I'd drop more but need to dupe again

+5 Karma

Thanks I'll wait for your other sign

+5 Karma

Yes sure, sorry for delayed response I was making dinner, I'm done now though 😅

+5 Karma

Great katana, dryleaf arts, bone bow (all +0), and Dane's hat

It's 100% true lol, I'm literally using a poison dry leaf build, I get the buff active when the posion hand is simply equipped, it's different from the seal boosts you get. Try it yourself, just don't have kindred of rots exultation equipped, having something else in your active offhand, and you will see that you get the buff.

They did increase the throwing range of the dagger and cirque though, and yeah I'll still use them too, they are very strong either way

That's it, faith and int provide no physical damage scaling now

You don't actually need it in your active offhand, as long as it's equipped in one of the weapon slots you'll get the buff

+5 Karma

Have you got gravel stone seal?

On Xbox series X I can't even get to the main menu to even play, it asks to confirm to load my profile, there are no other options but to confirm, then I instantly get a pop-up that says "you are currently unable to access game server, please check your profile settings and try again".

The only option then is to retry and the pop-up keeps returning in a never ending loop.

Yeah sorry should have mentioned it's a 150 build, and that's a great point I'd have 60 vig and 35 faith with that. Would that be enough to do some decent damage with incants? I would mainly use to initiate fights or to punish healing/escaping