I only really liked the arena in bo4. But I really didn't like cold war at all. Heck I'd rather play AW or WW2 zombies even. I also don't find the dmz zombies fun either. But I also can barely get through any Easter eggs in the old games after bo2 it just got too silly and convoluted you'd never be able to figure them out without a guide so it's no surprise I favour the maps with simpler progression like feeding the dog heads. Over idk throwing knives at skulls outside the map or whatever

The rtx 3050 is the direct upgrade for your graphics card. Though I'd reccomend something actually powered. An rtx 2070 can be found cheap and they and would be much better than the 3050.

If you can splash for a 3060 or a 4060 you probably wouldn't need to upgrade for a while.

Alternatively jumping ship to AMD could be a lot cheaper for you.

I'd say they got the increasing frustration down. Hey TARS? THE FUCK DO YOU WANT NOW STOP SAYING MY NAME

While you have given good advice and yes, modern hardware and software do keep the batteries alive longer the same principles still apply.

The imposition on the battery is not so much the regular flow of current, but rather its state of charge. For with every percent of battery charge, the voltage in the energy storage unit also increases, and this affects its chemical aging.

Although this aging takes place in every battery, it is particularly rapid at particularly high or low voltages (i.e. at very high or very low battery levels). The recommended energy window with minimal wear for lithium batteries is between 30 and 70 percent of their maximum charge. If devices remain plugged in all the time, the battery “dwells” at the highest energy level and that means stress for the core component.

Luckily the battery in the steam deck is easily replaceable and his warranty will cover this fault. But it is always good to keep battery care in mind for any device. A good feature would be like the one on my Samsung phone that does not allow the battery to charge past 80% to help the battery live longer

Chadtopian Citizen

I would highly advise against tracking down pretty women you see on tv, it usually does not end well.

It's only cool when celebrities do it.

Well, that's what I'm saying. There are a lot of large compressed files being opened and updated and compressed again. It could be storage space, caching, or page file related. It could be a windows setting or bug, or maybe intel cpus are better for this, Everyone has such different computers. Mines a r5600, rtx 3060, 32gb ram with a 2023 m.2 ssd that's half full, so idk. The PC takes about 40 minutes, but the steam deck takes 15 minutes. I can delete the game and redownload it about 400mb/s, and that's usually a lot quicker than the PC doing the work.

Rich people know conservatives conserve their money. Wealthier people seem to like to stay close to the border. Middle-class people are also super worried about the 40% tax and just absolutely are terrified of being caught in labours tax the rich stance.

As someone struggling to get by on a single income of 23k a year I honestly couldn't give a shit about my manager complaining that labour is "coming for her wages" I kind of wish she would fuck off back down south all she did was bitch about the snps taxes now she's just bitching about labour the same way. If I had her wage even if it was taxed a bit higher it would he life changing for me I could maybe even stop renting and get on the property ladder. These older couples who have bought a house out in the suburb and go on three holidays a year really do forget how hard it is to even make it there in the first place. While also expertly explaining to me why it's hard for the company to match my wage with the new start I'm training.


I just kinda want a zombies ultimate collection with everything from before cold war in the style of the master cheif collection so you could maybe randomise playlists. Quick Search for matches for every game and map variations without changing games and stuff. With the modding support of black ops 3.

I would play that game indefinitely. If they could just combine all of the old games from before say ww2 in that style it would be the most popular thing on the planet for a minute. Imagine searching for SnD matches from cod 4 to infinite warfare. Or just for a random coop campaign level and just dip in and out that would be cool

I feel like you're making a mountain out of a molehill here. You're anger should be redirected at the publisher that forced inconvenient software in their game instead of the company that goes out of it's way to provide gamers the free tools to play them.

But I do like your idea about valve stating if the game needs online activation. Still, though, that would require policy changes and talks with publishers. They would need to go backwards and re-vet all these games it would be a bit of work. And maybe it's just me, but I thought It was fairly common knowledge to be connected to the Internet on your first game launch anyway. Even back in the day I remember when I had really bad Internet and had to use steam in offline mode if I hadn't already ran a game once online before I went into offline mode it usually wouldn't work anyway. And I'm talking back in like 2009. I kinda expect even more games don't work without Internet these days.

There is an alternate solution here, Just buy games on GOG. The only storefront that actually promises offline drm free installation.

Chadtopian Citizen

Aww, man, that must have been a complex surge of emotions when he started crying. From nearly dying twice. waking up to a brand new life new job, engaged, got lucky and got a new car and then just snagged some early retirement money and in front of all those people too when you probably expected to not get anything at all.

I was working stalls at the fringe once, and an American didn't believe I was Scottish and said I sounded like a Canadian. Then he thought maybe I had private education and was posh or something, and I'm like, no, I went to both of the shittiest schools here, im working minimum wage in a t-shirt stall. Then asked him why he dosent start his sentences with Howdy and end them with Yall to point out regional differences in accents, and he sort of just walked away muttering about me to his wife.

I'm glad you came to visit my beautiful city but we are not performing monkeys. They are in Glasgow.

I'm just about to get to this bit in VR on the quest. Wish me luck!

it was my 55 year old Dad's favourite

Mine too. So I got to play his mega drive at my grans until he got me a ps1. I love the ooze one of my favs

The future workplace is literally your manager asking you why there's not enough bots on the floor for all the customers and your like bot 1 is down. Bot 2 is still waiting for repairs from the dude that kicked it. Bot 3 was stolen and the other two are on charge.

Does it die immediately when unplugged? This means the battery is gone. Fairly common with laptops left on charge too long.

We had one of these in my college and without fail half the restocked fruit would rot away.

It really should have been stocked with dried fruits. Baked fruits, granola bars and things like that which are more palletable and livenfor quite a long time. Reducing the frequency and cost of restocking

That looks more like fruit paste than jam.

Having recently been in almost identical position to you. 2 years in and I'm training new people who start on a higher rate than me. I threw a hissy fit and went off work for a few weeks with mental health issues due to stress. It was a total gamble but when I came back they reduced my work load and promised to match the wage of the new starts if I didn't submit a complaint to the workplace regulator and gave them some time to arrange it. I also had to wait 4 months or so, but the did it in the end and backdated the money. I remain on the lower responsibilities too so my days are a lot more chill.

I didn't find out till later but my absence completely crippled the business as they were so reliant on me. I'm not recommending to do this at all research your rights first before you pull this. I knew I'd have a decent case if they fired me during the mental health break but not a lot of countries offer this protection. I just thought I'd share my story as it shows that a bit of patience can pay off.

Keep everything in writing and take broken promises to their line manager if yours won't honour them that's the best safest solution I can offer. But you won't make friends playing that game.

I really enjoyed the arena in bo4 but the rest was meh.

Cat rehabilitation is the best kind of rehabitation

Change the cursor to a big circle that can be analog stick controlled and yeah I'd play that. Depends on what else is going on in the game. I'm not overly interested in creating bases if they don't get attacked.

I wouldn't say something specifically busted with mine, loads of people have this problem. We wouldn't all have the same hardware or software fault. The linking cause will be related either to available storage space or something obscure like caching or file paging settings.