I'm sure there are several coffee songs he could do a round up on.

Honestly better filmed and acted than some semi-professional OnlyFans accounts.

I still play it almost daily after 10 years. >4000 hours and just never gets old.

Nice to see police doing something for once. Feel like I all I ever hear is how they can't help anyone.

At 60g/day, that's >5 years. Realistically, unless you're using a drill, you'll basically never wear out a steel hand grinder burr.

They're honestly that light either. Like they're specialty-light, but darker than Sey or Proud Mary

Decent DE1PRO | Bentwood V63 / 1Zpresso ZP6

The "make coffee better" Shining reference was such a good touch.

It's a reflection of the economy because of how much money is involved, but definitely not quality of life or the average voter.

Taith might be the lightest I've had in the UK. Assembly is also light.

It seems quite a few people are having this leak issue, so this is probably costing them a lot of money and man-hours.

They do like robusta beans, in that the central line is straight rather than curved and they are rounder than oval. How do they taste?

Decent DE1PRO | Bentwood V63 / 1Zpresso ZP6

LOL so apparently 64mm HU is the thicker body burr, but 98mm HU is the clarity-focussed. This seems to be an issue with SSP naming conventions.

In terms of 80mm MP, there's a "high" burr which seems to be equivalent of MP.

I had a Rwandan natural coffee from Onibus that tasted like foccacia - strong tomatoey Kenyan taste, with some yeasty notes and rosemary.

Had a washed Ethiopian at Mel that tasted like pink lemonade.

Had a Mexican coffee that tasted like anko at Takamura coffee roasters.

Had a yeast fermentation honey-process Chinese coffee at Blue Beans in Kagoshima that tasted so strongly of lychee.

Decent DE1PRO | Bentwood V63 / 1Zpresso ZP6

No the name is just misleading. High Uniformity is NOT unimodal - it produces low fines but a slightly broader particle distribution for higher body. Coffee Chronicler has a good post about them..

It's one of the jokes Greg does in the intros, I'm sure Alex has nothing but love for the morons up North.

Well we know how Alex feels about Northern people and how their intelligence correlates with accents.

Decent DE1PRO | Bentwood V63 / 1Zpresso ZP6

I think when we're talking end-game, there are quite a few amazing grinders that are all pretty similar (Lagom P100, Zerno, Weber EG-1, Mahlkonig EK43, Monolith Max). I would argue it's more about the burrs.

For 64mm burrs:

If you want really thick chocolatey shots, go for SSP High Uniformity burrs.

If you want high clarity, go for the SSP multipurpose burrs.

If you want high sweetness, you should get the SSP Lab Sweet Cast burrs.

Edit: added the caveat that this is for 64mm burrs. The 98mm HU burrs are the clarity-focussed ones lol

Decent DE1PRO | Bentwood V63 / 1Zpresso ZP6

Meticulous workflow feels a bit complicated and the lack of steam is not necessarily a deal-breaker, but my partner and guests may want lattes once in a while and seems silly to have to get a different gadget to steam with. The Decent's steam texture is also great.

Decent DE1PRO | Bentwood V63 / 1Zpresso ZP6

It's an ultra high-end one called the Bengle, going to cost >6000USD. Doubt it will affect the Decent.

Decent DE1PRO | Bentwood V63 / 1Zpresso ZP6

Ah I didn't realise it was meant to do espresso! That's definitely not great if you only barely managed to pull a shot on the very finest setting.

I got a major fault on my driving test because I was going 40 on one of these roads. Insane.

Decent DE1PRO | Bentwood V63 / 1Zpresso ZP6

When people say a grinder isn't for espresso, it may still be able to grind fine enough to pull a shot, but it lacks the fine adjustment to do that consistently.

Decent DE1PRO | Bentwood V63 / 1Zpresso ZP6

I usually just tap it upside down on the counter repeatedly.

Decent DE1PRO | Bentwood V63 / 1Zpresso ZP6

Not at all blind. I had a Rocket Giotto Evoluzione R.