Happened to me with a follow up email to a potential new client. Had to unprofessionally send from my personal email as I didn’t have time to resolve.

Thanks. I’m tracking for someone without a phone, so I was hoping to easily track both from my phone.

Oh ok, thanks.

I’m also tracking my Mom’s weight for medical reasons and she doesn’t have a cell phone. So I’m not sure I’ll be able to use this scale…

How to fix - all weights recorded in both profiles

I use Withings Body Smart scale to record weights for myself and my Mom. I set up a profile for her under my account as she doesn’t have a phone.

The Withings scale shows the correct person when someone gets on the scale.

But, it’s recording all the weigh-ins under each user’s profile, rather than only my weights on mine and her weights in hers.

It’s also transferring all the weights to the Apple health app, messing up my tracking.

How do I fix this? Thanks!

Did you resolve this? It’s happening on my scale as well.

Not sure how to contact support either because it just says the chat is closed with no other options.

Ok, I’d heard another test in which you press on your occipital artery behind your ear. Like the jugular test can scan for a vein, if this stops it, it may be an artery.

Does the sound go away if you press on your jugular vein?

Some machines had two versions; the older ones had the calorie/intensity/incline or speed buttons on the console.

Later models had a display screen and buttons to start/stop, increase or decrease the speed, or incline.

With the browse and scroll method to show Included Workouts, is this with the treadmill with a newer display and fewer buttons?

Thanks! I would not mind paying for the subscription if it was useful to me. But I just want to run the courses I like and watch shows on streaming tv (I only watch tv while working out lol). I also only run indoors part of the time.

Did you find out anything on this? I’ve not tried yet but have heard it’s difficult to find many iFit courses that go more than 12-15%, which is a grade you could get with a standard treadmill.

Ok thanks. Yeah one seller said he thought it was only manual but he’s not sure since that’s the only mode that he used.

It looks like the choice is to either get a 2018 or newer year model that is only iFit or manual mode, or an older one that has built in programs but no iFit.

I only use 5-6 of the programs on my treadmill, but I use those all the time. I’d rather not pay monthly to use the same few programs repeatedly.

I’d just buy another brand, but Nordictrack is the only one who makes these incline trainers at this incline that I know of.

Does the x11i have onboard programs without iFit?CommercialInclineTreadmill_X11i

I’m looking at picking up a recent model x11i treadmill secondhand as it’s listed as having 44 onboard programs plus optional iFit access.

A review of the x11i said iFit updates were removing their onboard programs so that unless you paid for iFit, you were only left with manual mode. This sounds like the newer incline trainers that only have manual mode if you don’t buy into iFit, which I’m trying to avoid.

It would be nice to have the option for either.

If you don’t subscribe to iFit with the x11i, do you still have access to the onboard programs? Thanks.

It sounds like it may be the motor reacting to the load. The motor is rated for 300 lbs but I wonder if that is at 0% incline.

Weight or incline both increase the load on the motor so a combination of those would increase the load more. That may be causing the motor to possibly overheat or reach a limit (which it shouldn’t) and shutdown.

This may be a reason that they changed to a more powerful motor in the newer models, but the machines are still rated at 300 lbs.

If you walk on it without any incline does it shutdown?

Ugh, yeah that would be boring. I don’t need thousands of workouts but at least a selection that I frequently use.

I’ve been considering an incline trainer but may get an older model because they have built-in programs. I watch Netflix on a big screen tv while working out so don’t care to watch a trainer but like the treadmill to auto change the incline.

Also they discontinued iFit support on another treadmill I have, but at least I could still use the built-in programs. It’s a lot of money to pay for just a manual treadmill if they eventually decide to discontinue iFit on other machines.

Ok, thanks! I ended up calling a store and that’s what they said as well.

Does the x22i or x32i have any built-in programs besides iFit?CommercialInclineTreadmill_X22i

If you don't use iFit, can you only use the treadmill in manual mode?

Older versions had up to 44 built-in programs. Thanks.

Yeah thanks, I wonder how much I’d use the programs as well. On my other treadmill I only use a few of the built in ones.

The older incline trainer works fine, but the tread deck is shorter than newer ones. I don’t run on it, I just power walk up inclines. I have another treadmill for running. I may just keep it until it wears out then think about a newer one.

I just found your post, I actually have an older one and am considering upgrading to a newer x22i but have had the same thoughts as you mentioned. Do you still love it?

Also, how many programs are on the machine itself without iFit? And what was changed in the 2022 update?

I’m looking at used machines but wouldn’t want to miss out if something was made a lot better. Thanks!

Ps my older model goes to 50% incline!! But it doesn’t have iFit and has only 3 programs on it.

Thanks all. I’m going to visit a store that has one to run on it first. I’ve seen some reviews that the machine can bounce a lot when running faster on it, so I want to see if that’s the case first.

Also, I’ve heard of some software issues with the console that take forever to get fixed, if they do. Which also has me taking a pause.

The plywood is a decent idea, thanks! We did move a treadmill in a minivan before, but that had more clearance. I could rent a truck, I just dislike driving rentals.

This sale didn’t go through, but it’d be nicer if someone sold it locally because I could hire one company to get it, deliver it here and set it up. Not the most common machines to find anyone selling so am looking somewhat farther out.

Will an X22i fit in the back of an SUV?CommercialInclineTreadmill_X22i

Disassembled of course!!

I have a Subaru Outback and am looking to buy an x22i treadmill that someone is selling.

The dimensions look like it would fit but I’m not sure if there’s anything that could tank this plan? Like could the weight mess up my back seats?

I’d hire movers to load it from their garage, and later unload and move it into my house.

But as the seller lives out of town, it’d be less of an ordeal and expense to drive my own car than to rent a cargo van or truck.

Thanks for any thoughts on this!

I’m going to check it out, thanks!

Thanks, what are the third party controllers - will they let you download or create your own courses?

I have a unit limited to manual mode, but am able to use the programs that came with the treadmill and the few sample iFit courses that were loaded onto the treadmill before iFit was disabled. The treadmill console didn’t work properly after the update, but I disabled wifi (I think, can’t quite recall) and then it worked to the level described.

I’m looking at secondhand incline trainers but am hesitant to get one if it will be disabled in a year or two.

iFit Disabled

Was there a specific change to the treadmills before 2017 that caused them to disable support for iFit?

Or will they probably disable iFit on five year old treadmills from here on out?