Is it because people don’t like Musk? I don’t get it.

We’ll see what happens when he goes 30-10 again this year with better defense

If we were interested in Ingram he would have been in the reported deal

I think Bulls probably want a rotation level player like Cam Johnson if they're attaching a first to Lavine. Don't think they do that for just expiring salary.

Oklahoma can govern Oklahomans how Oklahoma wants

We do need a vet, not sure what’s next though

I just don't see the fit if we want to keep Okongwu.

We need to dump Capela and get a legit, young defensive anchor drop big type.

Yeah, I've heard this talking point, but I don't know that I buy it.

Klay played the 2 for years and never took more than 2 dribbles after the catch.

Clint and maybe Dre.

Still might wait one more year on Dre. That contract's gonna look real good next year with the OG's of the world making a king's ransom.

Shouldn't be that hard. Super valuable to a WC team.

Just point to the analytics in the Luka matchup. He shuts him down every time.

I think the better offensive ceiling comp is Markannen, who rarely creates for himself or takes more than 2-3 dribbles after the catch.

Hunter was not in the same stratosphere as Risacher on the defensive side of the ball as a prospect. There are a multitude of different facets/roles when it comes to perimeter defense.

Risacher is a high-level reader who makes elite decisions and always makes the right defensive rotation. He can pick up guards full court, effectively switch 1-4, function as a weakside help defender, etc. Hunter is not versatile defensively and never has been.


No I mean his tape. Like actual games. Sure start with Hoop intellect, but anyone can look amazing in a 10 minute chopped up highlight reel.

It's not hard to find, No Celings just released a ton of footage and analysis on him yesterday. Even went as far to say he's an elite perimeter defender.

Hunter is nowhere near as fluid on either side of the ball as Risacher.

Hunter moved like he had no knees even at UVA. This myth that he was fluid laterally and could effectively guard 1-2 before injuries is ridiculous.

Honestly, Sac should trade for Cam and DFS.

Lakers 2029 pick honestly

Clingan in a trade down scenario with the Spurs where we get future 2025 pick back