300K and that's your entire field of view? What a ripoff

Change.org, when you want to make absolutely sure no one will give a shit about your "cause"

You say you checked for external light sources. If you have florescent bulbs and they're missing any coating they can cure your resin I believe

Rabies and hanta virus aren't major enough for you?

Looks dangerously close to pitching up to the point of stall. Gonna be a bad time

But "it wasn't as bad now" doesn't make sense. It's mixing tenses

Keep posting shit ass memes like this and you never will

Probably more just regular people annoyed by people trying to push unwelcome puritan values

"IT WASN'T AS BAD AS IT IS NOW" is how it would make sense

No gratuitous violence at all in Game of Thrones? None?

Like Anya Taylor Joy had a child with a gelfling

Now install a spring and a rattle :)

Traits are only as useless as the dm makes them. Include clues that can only be discovered by stone cunning. Shoot the monk

Wood, on the other hand, holds bacteria and moisture much, much better, and is generally more dangerous


The handling of mental health is why RoW is my favorite of the 4 so far. Kaladin's struggles are so real

Water doesn't just stay foamy. Something in the sandals is coming out in the water

Should be the thumbnail for this sub

Have you ever spent a lot of time around any one particular cat to see if your allergies go away? That's how mine work. I get reactions to new dogs and cats but they go away after a few days of repeated exposure