That’s not for him to decide. Why is he putting you in these awkward situations of having to beg him for money that he took?


This is such a great tip! Dryer lint is so so flammable!

Have you moved into a new place? If you have the opportunity, clean the rooms before you put your stuff in as it makes it way easier.

So for the appliances there is already good advice, so I won’t go into detail there. But for walls, think about them like a vertical floor. You can dust them, then mop and dry. Try to get the ceilings also, but please remember to get your mop as dry as possible (or use a slightly damp microfibre cloth) because those drips will land right in your open mouth as you’re singing along to Dolly Parton.

Move from top to bottom, and clean inside of cupboards, skirting boards, light switches, outlets (no water obviously), fridge, oven, floors, windowsills. Dust light fixtures and take note of which sort of bulbs each one uses. Check the inside of your radiators, and clean of any dust and grime. If there’s any pots or cutlery, soak and wash.

I love my steam cleaner, I find it makes a task much easier and more efficient. Get a good antibacterial spray, plenty of microfibre cloths, a good mop, and a duster.

Have you spoken to a doctor about your hair loss? There are medications available that are supposed to help with this! I’m not the most knowledgable on the topic however.

Hoover, then mop the floors with a tiny drop of floor cleaner in very hot water. Wring the mop out until it’s only steam coming off the mop, then drape a microfibre cloth over a broom and dry the floors.

There may be dust or crumbs that have been loosened and not picked up, so I usually hoover again. You can repeat until the mop water returns clear water, but with this method it only really takes two rounds if it’s dirty.

I think they’re trying to commiserate about parents not being fully accepted, not trying to say they have the worst situation in the world.

Edit; isn’t that also what we want? For things to be easier for LGBT people? For each generation to experience better outcomes and happier, easier lives?

Oh man, I hope your recovery is swift! I’m glad you survived! ❤️

How’s your friend? I also hope they recover quickly and drive slower in future!!

Prison is boring as fuck! I think a lot of people just want something to do, and a religious group provides positive socialisation, hope for the future, and routine. I think it’s also something that looks good to parole or judges

He doesn’t need to you to immediately know and understand every aspect of LGBT lives, he just needs support and reassurance from his family.

Reassure him that you love him and it changes nothing. That you might not get things immediately, and that things have changed so much since you were a kid, and that you might need him to explain things. Try to approach it with love and curiosity. He is still your son, and if you want him to stay in your life as he gets older you need to put the work in now.

Twenty years ago, coming out as gay was way more dangerous. There were less protections, less acceptance, less opportunities. And now it is different in a lot of places. Gay people can have kids and get married, gay jokes aren’t as common, we have protections in employment and housing. I think you might find freedom in opening your mind, as society probably told you that LGBT people were lesser, and NO WE ARE NOT! We are cool as fuck.

HIV is a big worry for some, but they are unaware of things like prEP that prevents the spread of HIV, and treatments that make it difficult to transmit. Look into gay specific sex Ed, and make yourself aware of issues within the LGBT community.

Apologise for melting down when he told you, and promise to do better. You’ve got this! It seems more intimidating than it is, just remember to lead with love ❤️

The sun never set on the British empire because even the sun didn’t trust us to not invade and colonise l

With thick rubber gloves take out any pieces that are big enough to handle. The gloves should help with any scrapes or cuts, but you’ll still need to be careful. Can you remove the drawer and tip upside down? That’s probably fastest and safest, but you will need to find a good sturdy bin to put them in if your bin people take bags by hand so they don’t get injured.

If you can’t remove it then it will take more work! Get a tin can, or bucket, or glass recycling, or any sturdy container. Also grab a hoover and a sock. Put the con over the hose of the hoover, and attach with a hair band. You’re going to hoover up all of the pieces, then angle the hose over the container and cut the power. The suction will stop and drop the pieces of glass. Repeat until it’s empty.

Congratulations! Happy anniversary! Celebrating with shark is the best ❤️

Awww you guys sound sweet!

Have you spoken about the future with her? Are you willing to move closer, or is she? There are ways to make this work and I hope you find them ❤️

I don’t live with anyone that would have a problem with me passively having nipples, so my advice would be to just wear what’s comfy.

If you live with people who are sexualising your body or making you feel uncomfortable, it might be worth wearing a hoodie or dressing gown on top. There are also thin cotton bras and vests that could help minimise nippleage lol

Yeah, that’s what im saying lol. Like he didn’t actively encourage it, but in typical bojack style he tried to help but made it worse lol.

Hmm, I don’t know. I think the first time I watched it I thought that it was Bojacks fault, but on other rewatches I am not so sure.

I think he would’ve found a way to asphyxiate, but to me it’s kinda like pointing out a bottle of vodka to an alcoholic - not helpful and potentially very very harmful.

Yep, trying to get a better view and have fun with your friends means she wanted your weird boyfriend to film her butt. Great logic

Lmao the word “blowjob” never entered mine. I totally believed Steve-O got top surgery for a bit

Edit: oh wait

Because people won’t post to say “my boyfriend is sometimes a bit of a dick, but apologises for stuff and respects me” and if they do it isn’t interesting to most people. The dramatic and crazy stories get more comments.

People will really only ask strangers for advice if they don’t have people in real life to ask questions, or if they are embarrassed by what they are posting. I think most of the terrible stories are from people at absolute breaking point.

This is low effort rage bait and I’ll report it as such, but to answer your question it’s about rights around marriage, employment, housing, safety, tolerance, respect, healthcare. It’s not about sexuality only. Also, we were once LGBT children, and the only information available was for adults. It didn’t stop us being LGBT. cope and seethe! ❤️