Kumquats are awesome with the peel/skin. Peel is sweet and the fruit is nice and sour.

I wouldn't do that personally. Could be a health code violation depending on where you're at!

Our provider is pretty good about not enforcing their minimum because they work with hotels and hospitals as well. They basically branched out into dining 2 years ago so for them it's just extra money. But I think their "minimum" was 400 pieces per month.

We haven't done a redesign or anything in a long time. We change items quarterly so we print them 4x a year. I don't think it makes a ton of sense to not do QR codes but ownership isn't keen on tech, unfortunately

Pickle them! I just got a carton of duck eggs that I'm picking right now and can't wait until they are ready

😂Doubt they'd make you sad!

I felt the same way. I just decided to be adventurous and they were really tasty.

We have a pretty straightforward setup. I have a base salary, and then a 15% commission paid yearly if certain revenue targets are met.

Looks good. I know this is a BBQ community but have you ever cooked them in your crock pot with a Coca-Cola based broth?? Game changer!

I put red sauce on one half, Italian dressing on the other.

So you'd prefer if I only post finished product? I can do that 😊

Yep! I brine or marinate my chops too. These I just used my own rib rub and grilled them, and they were a big hit.