Grand Canyon 2024 - Boucher Trail, Hermit Trail, Tonto Trail, Clear Creek Trail

Here is a Grand Canyon Backpacking video for anyone interested:

Boucher Trail, Hermit Trail, Tonto Trail, Clear Creek Trail

Eight-day, seven-night, and over 80 miles backpacking below the rim in the Grand Canyon. My wife and I went backpacking from April 27, 2024, to May 4, 2024, in the Grand Canyon. We mainly used the much less traveled trails including Boucher Trail, Hermit Trail, Tonto Trail, and Clear Creek Trail, but we did us the corridor trails a little bit.

Thank you very much for the response. Haven't ready everything yet, but I now have 11 Chrome Tabs open to read through.

I just got a Harvest Right which brought me to this post, but the battery issue is also something I am looking at. Can you post the data source you are relying upon to determine lithium batteries for home power backup (whether whole house or single circuit) are overly dangerous? I'm looking for data on this topic, not appeals to authority, hypotheticals, or anecdotes (unless they are randomly selected, variable controlled, and of sufficient quantity to draw broader conclusions).


Here is an idea: (there are multiple places to make the loop much smaller so it is a shorter hike)