Yup, if she put a teether in the little guy’s mouth, there’s a good chance he wouldn’t be trying to bite her. But then she couldn’t get this video of an attempted toddler mauling.

Reflection of lights in the bar on the tv screen while person was moving and recording

Monkey in Space

“The most violent-raging crimes rates ever!” Have you ever watched Taxi Driver? It’s just like that, but worse. Just look at Times Square. I’m just trying to walk down the street and handle my business, but I have naked cowboys playing guitar at me, and Spider-Man trying to get me to pay for a picture. Horrible stuff, scum of the earth. Truly the worst this city has ever seen.

This is dated but I still think of it from time to time.

Will George R. R. Martin ever complete the Game of Thrones book series ?

No for real, it should be under the FAQ you’re right. Anyone know a mod who we can reach out to?

Meanwhile the guy working diligently behind him… “Ok George, you get 10 more minutes, then we’re switching.”

I believe she does this right before winter and right after winter. I don’t think she feeds the bees during the rest of the warm months.

Even if you’re the kindest cop that’s out there, you’re still participating in an inherently harmful system that functions to protect property and collect revenue, more-so than it functions to protect and serve citizens. It also disproportionately targets low income and BIPOC populations. Lastly, there is the unofficial code of conduct the “thin blue line of silence” which encourages police witnessing misconduct or abuse by their peers to look the other way. Those who speak up are either threatened with retaliation (such as slow response times if that officer requests back up in a dangerous situation) or they’re fired. How many times have police: “performed an internal investigation and found no wrongdoing” ?

Good cops are still part of an inherently harmful and bigoted system.

Don’t forget that they’re anticipating The End of Days, so they will continually actively support Israel in the hopes that they can help manifest the circumstances prophesied in the Book of Revelation (where the Jewish people gain full control of the land of Israel, which kicks off Armageddon).

This is also one of the reasons why Evangelicals don’t care about climate change or trying to lessen harm to the environment— the climate doesn’t matter if the end of the world is imminent.

They like to keep people ignorant and afraid/angry— much easier to control that way.

As if Trump gives a fuck about Palestinians.

Idk I’ve lived on streets in Providence where they’d reliably enforce the 2-5am parking ban and regularly ticket everyone on the street who didn’t have a parking pass most nights. (Bainbridge, 10ish years ago). A few streets over, when I lived on Ring st, it was rare.

I think some areas may be hot spots for enforcement. The others, you’re gambling to see what happens.

I think you’re right about M. Rodmani! Thank you!

Wait, does the lower bay actually have bioluminescent algae ? I’ve always wanted to see that; I thought that it only occurred in warm waters.

Can anyone read what the one below ‘Thrift Store Menace’ says? I can only make out what I think is: “These curbs aren’t”

No one else is bewildered by the fact she slapped the guy recording with the flat side of the machete and the dude didn’t even flinch? He really trusted that she didn’t intend to chop into him.

This reads like a bot account lol

They’re referring to the person who posted this on Reddit, as well as the person who stole the mom’s content and dubbed over it to gain their own views.

There’s no point in addressing the people in the original video because they aren’t the ones posting it to Reddit.

Haha thank you ☺️ Do you have a recipe or basic instructions for making a plantain tincture?