ouhhh i am a feminist through and through fuck anyone in the congregation who shudders at the word and itā€™s always been a point to me to bring out the systemic misogyny thatā€™s so deeply rooted in the jws and itā€™s so sad that all the women i talk to even the younger women view getting the scraps like cleaning a ā€œprivilege given by the organizationā€ STAND UP šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ youā€™re not even allowed to read the Bible on stage itā€™s so aggravating

real talk social media is gonna be the downfall for so many people they too nosyyy šŸ˜­ def recommend limiting the amt of witnesses following you to like 5 at most,, had a lady who never paid me the time of day snitch that i was ā€œbeing a half-naked slvt on instagramā€ horrible i had khaki pants on ??! šŸ˜­

NO she only throws love and whimsical joy

she has no protein only hope and love

iam a very visual person so when i see examples of how to get small details it helps with my own project tysm looks great <3

ā€œand then they actually BELIEVED us!!ā€

any past bethelites/applicants here?Ask ExJW

iā€™ve been seeing a lot pressure lately to apply to bethel in my parents hall and wanted to know any past experiences. šŸ™šŸ¾ good, bad, funny anything about the experience whether applying or being at a bethel. personally, i could never bring myself to apply something abt the whole getting donations for using ā€œvolunteersā€ so much felt sketch,, i know they get a stipend but the pay for working felt like a labor law violation šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


ooh during the memorial is my favorite šŸ¤© itā€™s a game to see how many doors i can fake ringing the doorbell

wow that was so long ago i remember having the name engraved on the holder for tracts šŸ˜‚ havenā€™t heard of anyone doing it in a while now

like a ā€œjust enoughā€ my heart was never into it but I need praise. i thrive on praise. and pleasing everyone so I comment enough to get some hugs and gave enough parts even one at an assembly, go in the ministry enough to not be inactive, smile and laugh enough to seem ok itā€™s been working for years šŸ™‚ā€ā†•ļøšŸ™‚ā€ā†•ļø

my little son is so adorable i need a topper plushie in the worst way possible

i havenā€™t read the daily text like consistently since I was 6 and the field service is so real,, i be making up every comment and presentation as i go and everyone is like ā€œwow youā€™re so well preparedā€ šŸ„ŗšŸ¤­

:Kafka: just a humble lesbian

1 is this a trick question?? me and kafka will be so busy making out there's no time to focus on anyone else

right, and not even eiden alone but I feel like the writing is the best ive seen in a game like this. all the characters have distinct personalities beyond the trope they represent and its very well written

now edit her filing taxes

premium the outfit is pretty

itā€™s easy to be friends with people from other religions when no one has the ā€œmy religion is the only correct one and you guys need to change eventuallyā€ mindset

you're completely right, there are less and less people my age and i hear all the older people complaining how they're getting less bible studies, attendance is low, etc etc

omg i read this wrong,, i thought it said which outfit card do we not have oopsies !!