Maybe i just dont have enough unlocked, or play too much isaac, but i see it all the time

Craving acceptance, wanting to feel special, depression, the love bombing that happens in certain spaces when you "come out", the affirmation that comes with virtue signaling. Its a trap i fell into in late highschool and i became a terrible person. Being bisexual, polyamorous, and / or a communist doesn't mean you are a bad person, but falling into that cultish mind virus that often comes with blindly accepting and identifying with an ideology tends to come with an air of elitism, and i was a hardcore elitist.

Not super relevant, but kind of neat. Assuming our physics around black holes is correct, inside a black whole the axis for space and time switch. So if you went inside a black hole, space would flow at a constant rate without you being able to influence it much, but you could move through time at will

Idk if youre the AH or not, but honestly I just feel terrible for the poor 5yo girl who likely also just found out you arent her father

Aloofness? Not sure if thats the proper word. I have a tendancy to not notice problems, they kind of just go over my head. I was raised in an enviroment where the house is always messy, everyone had emotional and / or mental health issues, siblings and parents were constantly fighting and in tension. Since these were so normal as a child, these things tend not to make much impact on me now as an adult. Unless someone goes out of their way to tell me about a problem, i almost certainly wont even realize its there to begin with.

When my sister in law would ask me to clean my area of the house since shes having guests over, only then would i realize how messy my area actually is, even though i spend most of my time there. Peoples needs will often go unacknowledged by me because unless they're directly communicated i wont even notice they need attending to

He is straight up saying that HE is a MONSTER, and because of this, he assumes all men are monsters. Its like when a white person sais all white people are racist. Its because they are racist and cant comprehend how anyone could think differently


Its so sad that when people die, their money can strain familys so much. You are honoring your moms wishes, your step family is trying not to honor your moms wishes, and straining the family in the process. If i were you, i would be asking for an explanation on how following your moms will exacly makes you selfish, but trying to defile your mothers wishes in death makes them selfless

Pro Life Libertarian

Its easier to fight a strawman, so if you dont understand someones position, might as well assume they have the worst stances possible so you dont actually have to think about it

NTA, without a doubt. What terrible parents god damn.

Just be sure not to hold it against your half siblings, its your parents fault, not theirs

Everything being online. I want to go back to paper, mail things in and wait to weeks for a response, go into a bussiness in person do you dont need to deal with the confusing and poorly set up online customer service crap

You got assaulted. Love all the victim blaming

It honestly seems to basically just be an internet problem. I almost never see this behavior irl, but see it so often on the internet. Seems like negativity and tribalism just has a tendency to rise to the top on most social media

about your less than ideal behavior

OPs question is about why men are expected to take accountability for other mens behaviour.

How is getting called out for something you didn't do, getting commented on for your own behavior? If someone it "calling you out" for something you have nothing to do with, it is perfectly fine to not want to associate with them lmao

Grims Hatchery. Old, quick game, so much fun! I really want a successor to it one day, i bought it about a year back just to see if it was purely nostalgia that made me have fond memories or if it was actually a fun game, its the bomb.

Do you switch when you go to sleep and when you wake up on your days off? Consistency is huge for your circadian rhythm, if you go to sleep and wake up at the same time every single day, it will likely help you feel more awake and rested

Depends on the day. Usually something like roasted penuts or some sort of melon.

Some days when im feeling real snacky, i buy a big bag of mini Oreos and pour them in a bowl with milk and eat it like cereal. So good

Binding of Issac, well over 800 hours now.

I just finally unlocked half the items... i dont know if i will ever get them all unlocked. That games replayability is insane though, especially since for the first 2 or 3 hundred hours you will unlock new items all the time giving you a real feeling of progress, then once you reach the more difficult unlocks you are skilled enough to feel like a bad ass, especially on really good runs

I would say our generation is more centrist than other generations on average. Most of us who are politically active seem to have more radical beliefs , but the distribution seems to be more even between right/left than previous generations

I usually notice if someones nipples are hard, men and women. But i dont find it upsetting, its just a thing that happens sometimes

One punch man.

It would be terrifying but the way limiters and monsterization works in that world is fascinating. Train like hell and you can actually become a super hero.

Floor laying and painting, both jobs ive really enjoyed. Flooring pays better, painting is easier on the body, but both are decent paying though and (at least where i am) both will happily take on apprentices and train you on the job, so no school required