The food is probably my favorite part of cruises so yea that would have probably ruined my vacation

yea I guess Id describe it more as pull off the bone, and the bark def doesn't get hard

No spritzing but as baby back ribs go these were on the fatty side, so def kept its juiciness

Awesome man! A lot of it is just getting used to your smoker tbh, finding how it temps out and its cool and hot spots, figuring out how you want to fuel it to get the smokiness you want, etc.

Wings are easy, these were just tossed in Bone Sucking Sauce seasoning (brown sugar based rub) and smoked with charcoal and hickory chunks at 240-250 for a little less than 3 hrs. Most people would like to hit chicken at the end with a higher temp to crisp up the skin, since sometimes smoking at low temp will result in a rubber texture.

Only advice for ribs, butts, briskets and other longer smokes is to make sure you've allocated the time, because they are a time investment and something you think might take 8 hrs may take 12+ hrs, the rest is just browse recipes you wanna try and trial and error!

around 240-250 based on the smokers thermometer

Couple notes, removed the back membrane on this (normally leave it). I think I'm gonna leave it from here on out, membrane crisps up nice and seems to protect underside from over cooking. I also cooked off bacon earlier in the day so I used the leftover bacon fat to slather all over the ribs as a binder, not sure if it did anything but ribs turned out tasty.

Drive by them on the way to and from the beach but havent stopped but it looks tasty! I think heading back one Saturday morning it had one of those long ass lines you hear about at the popular Texas joints.

Oooh I'm gonna have to try that! I've been meaning to crockpot more.

Yea there's gonna be some color differences when smoking pork butts, not including the smoke ring. If everything's temping out I think you're good to leave it next time!

Couple pics from the smoke 

Ended up being a little over 12 hours at 240F. Combination of B&B charcoal and Hickory chunks.

90's TGIF must have been awesome, I went in the 2000s and it was just another chain restaurant.

Not the best picture because I was going for the price, but they're sold with the thinner side on top of the thicker side and vaccumed packed like pork ribs 

Oh for sure, definitely wanna try the plate ribs sometime but this cut is the only one they sell at the grocery stores around me

Really good, I sampled some when I got them off the smoker, good flavor and smokiness.  They're for the crew I'm working with on Easter so I'll see how they all like them!

I normally smoke pork ribs so it was pretty funny seeing how much these these beef ribs shrink up compared.  I still need to try the beef plate ribs if I can ever find any around here.

They were $4.49 a lb but only priced for 2.5 lbs, got home and they came out to 5.5 lbs.

Smoked 6 hrs to around 205, started with a little mesquite chunks and finished with Hickory chunks for the rest of the smoke

That Franks chili and lime has been discontinued for some time now, makes me sad :(