W orders should get the same percentage raises as CEOs get so it’s fair for everyone

That’s not allowed here in Manitoba. Only water services can operate valves

I haven't done this event before but this subreddit got me excited for it.

I'll add another Grand Donuts recommendation but I could see people not liking them as much if they don't like their style of donuts. I love there Walnut Crunches.

I used Orange last year for Europe, Esim was cheap and easy to use for a months use.

I looked up a list of past presidents and based on names, I would choose Grover Cleveland.

Ubiquitous Queen, Professor Sato, Temp Deatained Reno, Handler Worf, Lady Audrey (switching to Dr Simon), and Nel Apgar/Albert Macklin.

You can join us in “the WPG”. We are ftp and new player friendly, we currently have 2 spots open

I had a guild member in Wow that wouldn’t do the spider dungeons in the Lich King expansion

Wish they had a native version like Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes

As someone else said, just do the first node at difficulty 15

Tried it yesterday and it didn’t work for me then. All the others worked though

he's just chilling with the New Mutants waiting to get in the game

Did you know you have to run a power line to the vendor? I figured that out today...