Is he moving away from the mic to breath??

Don’t act like you didn’t watch American Pie 🤣

Oh cheyenne for sure, i live with my head in the clouds 🤣

How is nobody calling Marcus?! $86/h come to papa!!

I love kitty: You said “do my own thing 🤣🤣🤣” and then you can hear the entire cast busting up laughing at the end of that scene

Look at all those cameras, god this dude is gonna be everywhere

Fair point actually, but i have seen newcomers around more than once. I suppose i’m not as familiar with this sub as i assumed, sorry ❤️

I might be way off here, but wouldn’t this need a spoiler tag?

Is dave slowly turning into robert plant or is it just me?

Por comentarios como este es porque vengo a reddit

She would make a great auctioneer tbh

I remember the first few times this one blew completely over my head. But once i got it, i’d lose it every single time. Man what a great show!! Good appreciation post 🫶

I doubt anybody would want that brain tho…