Hey y'all, I'm chizzmaster and before you ask, yes you can call me jizz (wow look at you funny guy). I main hunter although I do have a warlock and titan that I have been severely neglecting. I don't usually make LTS posts; most of the time, I find an LFS post and then just offer to sherpa there.

Timezone: MST

Time usually online: weeknights/weekends depending on how I'm feeling. My playtime moreso revolves around having things I want to do rather than being online at certain times. Raid report if you're interested

Raids comfortable teaching: VotD, VoG, DSC, possibly LW

Raid requirements:

  • Discord. I really don't like using in-game voice, so I will be using my own server for raids
  • Time. Be ready to commit at least 3 hours of your time to a sherpa run. I am not expecting perfection, but I really don't like it when you dip out.
  • Weapons: try to have some meta DPS weapons. You don't have to have everything, but at least have 1 or 2 of the following: sleeper simulant, witherhoard, izanagi, gjallarhorn, divinity, autoloading rocket launcher. We might run some niche builds, but having 1 or 2 of the weapons listed above is usually a good start.
  • Minimum power: for VotD, please be at least 1540, preferably closer to 1550. While the raid itself is 1530, being 1530 means by the time we get to the end, you're getting 1-shot by the boss. Other raids don't really matter for power level since they are 1350 now.
  • Do not expect a carry: at some point in at least 1 encounter, you will be assigned a non add-clear role. It is my expectation that you do not complain about learning the mechanics (as this is supposed to be a teaching run), and complaining will most likely get you booted.
  • Overall, I think I am a relatively chill person. Just be respectful of others and be willing to learn/take criticism. We were all blueberries once, but being open to learning is how you get better.

As mentioned before, I don't usually post LTS posts. I browse the LFS posts on a daily basis and offer my help when I can.