That sounds kind of a nice set up. I know one job I had tuition reimbursement that needed to be paid back and the job I was moving to did my sign on bonus in such a way where my after tax on the bonus equated out to what I owed for reimbursement and they did all that calculating for me, with my input. That was really nice and helpful to make it $0 out of pocket.

Well that’s pretty lucky if you to have that. I’d try and clarify in writing, what the payback amount would be ahead of time so there’s no ambiguity to it. It’s in everyone’s best interests to be as clear as possible, specifically yours, to outline say a month over month or a quarterly amount.

You’d need to have a clearly written agreement with HR on a prorated payback. In my experience, and I’ve received several sign on bonuses, I’ve never been able to prorate the amount to payback, HR has always been firm on 100% of the bonus needs to be paid back regardless of if you leave 1 month after starting or 11.5 months. If you don’t have something explicitly in writing assume if you leave before the year is up you will have to pay 100% of the FULL bonus. I.e. $10K bonus will need to be paid back at $10K not $10K - taxes.

Unless you can segue into a new job that’s willing to provide a signing bonus to offset any expenses incurred with leaving this job, it’s best to stay the full year unless it’s horrible working conditions then obviously mental/physical health takes priority over financial health.

2008 E90 M3 / 2012 BMW X3 28i

On my old 3 series I used the glass open ability multiple times per day, it was amazing. It’s really sad it’s not common.

2008 E90 M3 / 2012 BMW X3 28i

Having an X5, the split tailgate is so fucking clutch. It really should be something standard for all SUVs. That and the ability to open just the glass portion on the back a la 3 series touring.

I’m in the US but I call them slides because well you slide your foot into them so it makes sense.

I do some 5” flat front shorts, sometimes 3” if I’m feeling it with typically a an athletic/breathable T shirt with adidas slides.

Like the red but either only on the outside or only on the inside, I can’t dig both. Also, no manual = not perfect. It is pretty though.

I get marine layer catalogs and the stuff looks nice but for the price I just can’t do it. Same with Faherty, though I do have a few pieces from them but they were all bought on sale. I’ll check out the others though, thanks!

Vuori, Mack Weldon, quince, Levi’s for jeans. That’s my whole wardrobe.

Or it’s all a big misunderstanding and the 6 year old confused everyone because they’re a 6 year old and say shit that doesn’t make sense but everyone ran with it.

Agreed 100%, he’s done so many villain roles let him have something different. He’ll make him a goofball or something off the wall, he could do it.

No he didn’t, sadly his fate is still in limbo for several more days. There’s honestly no one better available so it’d be stupid to sack him which obviously means he’s gone.

I need more photos. Childhood me is crying inside as I had this toy growing up and loved it and would have wanted nothing more than a Lego version.

Yeah I just can’t accept that personally. Sure it’s the easy way but idk, it just doesn’t sit right with me.

100% this. My kids may not love when we vacuum or do laundry/dishes when they’re around but shit needs to get done for my mental health.

My kids are in bed lights out by 730 and usually asleep by 8. Wife and I watch tv/talk until 9ish then we’re in bed either on our phone (her) or reading (me) and then asleep by 10, sometimes later if ya know what’s going on.

So mine I came up with on my own:

Chest 1) kettlebell press 2) kettlebell fly 3) decline kettlebell press 4) decline kettlebell fly 5) crush press 6) kettle bell front raise

Back - i use mainly resistance bands for this 1) let pull down 2) straight arm pull down 3) single arm pull down 4) close grip pulldown 5) gorilla rows 6) good morning

Legs 1) KB squat 2) RDL 3) swings 4) lunges 5) step ups 6) calf raise

Shoulder 1) press 2) shrugs 3) lateral 4) rear raise 5) upright rows

Arms - I use KB and resistance bands 1) curl bar 2) hammer curl with KB 3) single arm curl with resistance bands 4) bicep pull-down 4) overhead extension 5) kickback 6) weighted dips

Abs 1) weighted crunch 2) leg raises 3) bicycle 4) flutter kick 5) scissor kick 6) halos

I love my in laws. They live 10 minutes from us and we see them multiple times a week. Hell we did brunch this morning with them and watched the grand Prix with the kids.

1030? Fuck on out of here. My kids are in bed by 730 and asleep around 8. Thankfully they’re 3 and 5 and don’t need anything at night so it’s a solid night of sleep.

I’m in bed by 915/930 and usually asleep by 10ish. And my kids are up at 6ish.

I have, on two separate occasions, said “what the fuck?!” And “fucking a” while working on house projects and now my son, who’s 3, says “what the fucking a” all the time along with “fucking” and he uses “fucking” in proper context too.

Yeah, I fucked up.

For me it’s been a habit that I kept up after having kids and making sure i prioritize it.

I’m up at 4am every day and lifting in the basement by 415 with my coffee and kettlebells in hand. I do it 5 days a week (chest, back, legs, shoulders, arms, and Abs 3x/week). 4 sets of 12-15 reps before moving up the weight and typically 5-7 working sets per body part. Typical workout is roughly an hour so by 515/520 I’m done.

On top of working out I do tend to watch what I eat, it doesn’t hurt I’m also medically limited but I focus on high protein, Whole Foods. Typical breakfast is 3 eggs with ground s turkey and spinach, chicken sausage and two pieces of toast. Lunch is a chicken/salmon salad and dinner is usually chicken/fish/turkey with rice or the occasional sandwich. I don’t count calories per se but don’t eat wildly and try to keep snacking to a minimum. Overall I’ve probably lost 15 pounds in the last year and for the first time in my life, at 35, have visible abs and veins around my lower abs.

It’s not easy but it’s never supposed to be.

2008 E90 M3 / 2012 BMW X3 28i

As someone whos looking for a new car in the $60-70 range and looking for something fun, this is definitely an option for me if I wanted to go one car instead of a dedicated fun car. This thing is bonkers.