I understand not wanting to reveal herself but why not dress in something feminine? The Liars make the jump pre seeing the Charles disguise that Charles brought them there, CeCe/Charlotte not dressing up in a feminine disguise just doesn’t make sense as to my memory it’s the only time Cece/Charlotte wears a male presenting disguise

It’s just weird writing that I don’t think fits with a character who fought so hard to be the person they are on the inside, feels like a weird step back to justify the secret

I do think they are falling into a bit of a trap of having all the killers go completely unhinged at the end

Amber, Ritchie and all 3 of the killers from 6 all had this to some effect and it doesn’t offer much nuance or variety.

Stu being over the top whack made sense because he was nutty before the reveal and Billy was the calm one.

Mrs Loomis being a psycho made sense because it was her finally unleashing and her and Sidney had no interaction on screen until that point.

Jill kept it cool only until her plan started to fall apart and it makes sense in the context of the film before the reveal, she comes across as inherently calm the whole film in a very subtle way knowing she’s in control, but when the plan fails she loses her head.

So yeah I’m hoping we start to get some variety on how the killers act after revealing themselves, I want a Ghostface that doesn’t monologue after the reveal or one that always manages to stay cool or fuck idk even one that’s remorseful or regretful just something different than them completely losing their shit. Maybe in 7 we can even get a Ghostface who is apprehended but knows all Ghostfaces end up dying at the end so allows themselves to be captured, ‘I’m smart enough to realise the odds, I want to be the one Ghostface that came up against Sidney and survived and as long as I’m alive you’ll be afraid’ or something, just something fresh.

I know Mickey wanted to get caught but I mean like a Ghostface literally handing themselves over to the authorities

Scream has gotten smart survivors down but we need smart killers again

With the show’s references to old Hollywood movies in particular Hitchcock‘s Rear Window and Psycho, and when you take into account in the original Psycho, it is Norman Bates dressed up as his mother when he kills, these may have been hints that ‘Charles’ would be a man dressed up as a woman in his family and committing crimes.

This would’ve made sense with the Ali masks the mirrors covered in Alison’s photographs with the eyes scratched out, the dolls etc.

And I do think Charles was originally planned to be revealed to be one of the male characters, why would CeCe/Charlotte who, in the context of the reveal has fought her whole life to present in the gender she feels, dress up to be perceived as male in the Dollhouse?

But I think either the network or the writers saw how that would’ve played out if Charles had been a male character dressing up as a woman to stalk young women and the unhelpful and harmful narratives that might then affect the trans community, as vestiges of Psycho/Silence of the Lambs (where both male killers, Buffalo Bill and Norman, are actually confirmed not to be transgender by the police in those movies) still contribute to society’s fear that trans people are presenting as the gender to be deceitful for dubious reasons.

That’s why I think we get the CeCe reveal which has the problematic elements I’ve outlined above but present it as coming from a place of loneliness due to Charlotte being rejected by her family and somehow we’re meant to buy that she doesn’t hate Ali, she actually loves Ali, even though she tortured Ali too?

And if they wanted the audience to sympathise with CeCe why dehumanise her with Hanna’s ‘He, She, It, Bitch’ comment 10 episodes before the reveal that hinges on the audience being able to empathise with CeCe and the way she was treated by Mr Dilaurentis.

So I think they did try to course correct potentially but the idea came from a very old and very harmful offensive trope even if they didn’t do that. That’s why I think it’s still offensive and if they didn’t do their homework on how films wrongfully like Psycho and Silence of the Lambs, have fallen into the consciousness of the public as having ‘men dressed as women for sexual pleasure and or to commit crimes against women’ equal to transgender people then that’s on the writers for not doing their research.

There’s a great video essay by Lindsay Ellis on the history of harmful tropes in film that contribute to anti trans sentiment


TLDR:It’s not offensive to have a trans character be a villain, but the way they went about it made it offensive

On a much smaller scale (obviously not on scale of the Rumble) but there was a women’s battle royal in the Divas Era that Eve Torres was meant to win but they did a spot where Kaitlyn clotheslined her over the rope and Eve slipped and eliminated herself and Kaitlyn won the match.

Botch mistake or unplanned, WWE actually ended up having to feature Kaitlyn in a more significant way after that match and within the year she was Divas Champion

☭Comrade Delta (Anti) Work☭

of course the trade of season 7 would be employed by trader joes 🥰🥰

Tanisha and Cordelia’s spats were so funny and then they ended up being so cool at the end of the season

Like there’s no way Cordelia and Tanisha would’ve ever crossed paths organically and then after a couple months Cordelia is the phone call Tanisha makes in jail it’s so funny to me

‘forgot that inside the icon, there’s still a young girl from Essex’ altered all the UK angels brain chemistry it’s true

Spencer (I too would’ve been the friend that got way into the mystery and basically burn myself out trying to figure it out)

Hanna, good mix of comedic relief and good emotional storylines when the writing was good

Emily, bad storylines, but her and Maya were my favourite relationship and I liked how Emily was always the one who managed to stay calm and cool most of the time

Aria, nothing against Lucy Hale she is a great actress but she felt so separated from the other liars because Ezra was always what her storylines went back to so I found it hard to get invested in her as a character

Alison is a whole different kettle of fish because flashback Alison was what made me really get into the show because she was fascinating to learn about and you never really knew what Alison was thinking or why she did the things she did.

But then she comes back and she loses everything that made her Alison.

There were only two ways they could’ve gone with Alison for me, she was dead once they said she was dead or she was the mastermind the whole time.

We’ve got bigger fish to fry, she’s establishment media why is anyone surprised? Nobody’s forgotten the infamous news night Corbyn graphic.

Perhaps a bigger issue presented in that same segment would be Harriet Harman telling Jeremy he basically put himself before Labour and spoke with utter contempt, that’s way more of a bigger talking point than Emily fucking Matlis being visibly peeved by Corbyn

Why? Because it gave us a mask off moment where they put on full display their contempt for the left of the party.

Like let’s not lose sight of the power players, the media are fluff and agitators that will soon turn on Starmer as well, we should not be holding anyone working for a commercial news organisation to be paragons of our values, this is expected

Idk if she’s the best fit but I always remember Stasi standing up to the homophobes with Shelli even though Shelli wasn’t Stasi’s ally she still stood up for her because it was the right thing to do

Darlen Season 2, it’s what made her endearing but she was reckless the way she’d flip and fight anyone

(Don’t forget Darlen was the girl fighting that got Tanisha arrested, sending your roomate to jail for not being in control of yourself, that’s reckless)

The first because of the stalking and the unknown/unexplained nature of Michael

I really hope the next version of Halloween gets back to the eerie way Michael just waits and watches in the original

I think if you’re more action horror and story focused, the survivor trilogy is a good place to start.

if you like puzzles, a slower pace and can take the game as a product of its time and appreciate its camp and kitsch, start with remastered.

Yeah BTD vibes, it has the hip hop influence that BTD mixed in so well

Red Pill

Having recently played the classics I think TR2 is my favourite of the first trilogy

AOD has my favourite aesthetic and plot and I will defend her always

Plus Emo!Lara is a savage

And I’m having a lot of fun with Shadow, it’s a really pretty game and I personally really like Camilla’s portrayal of Lara

I love it because it has a really eerie (and sexy) quality to it which perfectly goes with Buffy’s dirty dancing with Xander

Olivia found guilty of lying about cancer on national television or Shannade Clermont for her charges

Saying this after grandstanding about Brianna Ghey at one of the debates is beyond ghoulish

More and more normies are realising She Who Must Not be Named is an unhinged fringe sycophant, the unfortunate probable next Prime Minster should not be entertaining such an extremist in any fashion especially as she not an expert in the field by an stretch of the imagination

They’ve basically already won there’s no need to keep pandering so to the Starmer fans I ask, do you still expect me to believe he’s going to shift to the leftv

It doesn’t work for me because it’s too similar to the original and isn’t doing anything to make it better or deeper or a fresh take

The reason why the original works is that it’s all third person so it leaves some mystery on whether Britney is talking about herself or this fictional star named ‘Lucky’

‘I’m so lucky, I’m a star, but I cry cry cry’ is a little done conceptually, I think we’ve had a fair share of the being famous is hard songs but in a post Brat world it’s not introspective or biting enough to be fresh or something new to the trend

Ezra’s baby mother, weirdest most irrelevant plot line in PLL, was made just to make Aria seem like the best partner for him, she served no other purpose