Here's my thinking for why it's real.

1) OP's original response is just... too detailed. The way he describes the hurt from the affari, if it is fake, is too believable and too well articulated for your typical fake-post.

2) The timelines are too real. 11 months apart, several months of therapy that got hand-waved over instead of juicy manufactured drama if it was fake.

3) All the updates are concise. which is not the norm for a fake post. Action taken, response, minor commentary.

It's the most mundane story. The most hallmark part about this is that OP's girlfriend of probably a year, and friend of 5, proposed. Which is just not that unbelievable.

I'm like 5 minute sin but....


"Here, take this life saving tool."

"Thanks for saving me, I have a gun, you're my prisoner you have no leverage"

Pikachu Shocked face

Just like.... The writers are just making people do insane things for the sake of eating up a few minutes of screentime.

E: After finishing the episode, two things stand out. One, this season could've (and should've) been 2 episodes. It has about 2 episodes worth of story. Maybe 3. The fact that they got 10 episodes out of this is insanity. Honestly in the last few episodes, I'm pretty sure you can tell that the actors for Detmer and Owosekun were written on because their role got written down to nothing. There was a lot of pilot action in the last episode for two random characters who have basically had no personality development. My personal theory is that, Tillmer's show got cancelled, she demanded or basically got written into season 5. They didn't have time to build around her, so they essentially started giving Detmer and Owosekun's stuff to Tilly. They complained, they got written the big pilot scenes in episode 9, they wanted more, so they got written off, but they left the scenes they had already written in place.

And Two, Micheal is just not the right person to receive the technology. Ignoring all of her insane decisions throughout this series (such as being the greatest breen ally of all time) I don't think she understands that the ability to create, seed, start, new life isn't a "use it now or never" problem it's inevitable. Eventually, all life will run out. Either because of a Control like event, or something else. It happened to the progenitors. And the people before them. And on and on and on. Or to take life, new seed life, to a different galaxy. Dr. Dexter says that 800 years ago the world wasn't ready, but it's not like the world is much different now. Still at war, etc etc. They weren't ready now either.

Overall this season was the worst. By a lot. Just like... The weakest villains, the most annoying actions to continue this stupid fetch quest of a story and make it a 'race', idk but they made the Breen seem like they have the attitude of a toddler "Give me that right now or I'll scream", and they just did not give most characters a good ending. The new captain who joined, they just.... didn't do anything with him. This season could've been great, but they insisted on a season long narrative arc, and that made tons of things convoluted, and they should've just split this season up into like, 3 3-4 episode story arcs. There were some genuinely interesting episodes (Whistlesong and Jinaal) that were just weirdly shoehorned with this overarching plot element, when it would've just been better with a random goal instead. Whistlesong was just a request from star fleet and they needed to repair this. No need to make it a secret key location. Jinaal was Culver being a temporary host so they could retrieve a secret plant to cure a friend who got injured during a mission. The time bug episode could've been any random villain.

fr I've basically defaulted to, anyone without a ring and reasonably attractive, is likely already in a (long term) relationship

Sales taxes impact those who use their money. This inevitably means poorer people will spend more on taxes.

It's "Good for the economy" in the same way tax cuts are good for the economy. The goal is that it would provide more money in the hands of individuals to theoretically reinvest. A higher sales tax (in lieu of income tax) is just another form of trickle down economics.

I am surprised American forces haven't employed them more tbh, as in the US cash seems to rule your entire legal and justice system, these cameras can be a big money maker.

Could be making this up, but I thought speed cameras were dubious because they technically violate the 6th amendment?

Fucking weird to claim otherwise.

Because it's easy to dogwhistle racism by claiming someone is bad because they weren't born there. And how do you know they weren't born there? Well because they're not white!

Terrible idea, since you'd be essentially last on taking your turns. Sure, you might take 16 turns in a row, but can you survive 8 turns before

I feel like there is a generation that looked at streaming as if they get to LARP grand theft auto but without blatant crimes.

ehhhhh you're romanticizing old reddit a bit. 8 years ago was 2016, and that was already well into the "Delete facebook hit the gym call a lawyer" meme. What you're really seeing is the smaller subreddit effect, where when a community is just smaller, you have less reactionary content.

Fill and Finish is still process engineering. There are a lot of things that need to happen during FFF. Experience in it will allow you to transition easily within Pharma, though probably less so to another field like O&G. If you want to go into pharma this is a great option.

Family Matters had Drake's best bar (Kendrik just opened his mouth) but the second beat on it was weak af

Everything about modern society is all about increasing rage to increase viewership/retention. I wouldn't be shocked if studies show that people are just angrier in general in the last decade/half decade

More like they told him either he resigns, or they fire him, and sue for the lost productivity they can directly prove was due to his actions, which would be easy from historical data and HR reports. Plus told him that a rough estimate they had, and that legal would add likely another $200k onto that.

Realistically, what probably happened was, the company said we're firing you for poor performance. Your options are either quit with severance and a 'positive' reference, or get fired. If they were fired, (and being bad at your job isn't necessarily "For cause" and avoids unemployment) they'd get unemployment, but every future job looking for a reference would get told that the manager is ineligible for re-hire and that's enough to get removed from the process.

By "resigning" the company probably agrees to say they are still eligible for rehire (even if unlikely) and they get the same approximate amount of money than if they went with unemployment.

How the fuck is anyone this stupid, how? How much work must it be to remain this fucking stupid.

This has been a thing for ages.

For example, "Obamacare" vs "affordable care act" gets two very different reactions because obamacare has been demonized. ACA approval is quite high even among republicans.

The republican definition of 'critical race theory' vs the real definition.

Honestly, they're the left ideological equivalent of ToiletPaper USA. Very left wing, very rage bait driven.

People need to go outside and touch grass jfc

I mean, people are going off about the person but I'm looking at 40 seconds in, and the editor wrote "Current Debt: 48k" when he gave his salary. I mean, come on........

the replies are a buncha snowflakes complaining that "This isn't what democrats do they don't make fun of peoples bodies" like bitch empathy is for those who give it too. Tolerance of Fuckwits isn't acceptable.

He got a HJ on stream...... I'm pretty sure he had control over that

AOC is the only one that really comes close.

Kai got mentioned on a Drake track, that's next level.

They've never stated. Buuuuuuut based on some of the stuff they said (addition involved smoking, oral fixation, "surprised he can concentrate more on games sober then while on his addiction") makes me think he was on meth. Heroin would be needles most likely, crack is less popular, weed is out because caleb said it was a side thing he also gave up, opiods konk you out and it wouldn't be a surprise he can focus on games. So IMO, Meth.

Once you strip away the entertainment value, Caleb's hammer is essentially whats in the sidebar of personalfinance. Don't take on debt, live within your means, pay down existing debt, and YNAB.

Just curious, you had a stack of money in a HYSA, which you wanted to use to buy a house. Do you still have your 'emergency' money in that?