Grow all sorts of stuff, mushrooms and herbal medicine included. Need way more than a deck at an apt to sustain myself completely. HOAs suck

Anarchism. There is no other ideology that actively seeks no hierarchies. Life on earth needs it too. Yeah its idealist, but why not demand utopia?! Settle for less? Turn it down for what? Shit is crumbing, time to have integrity and solidarity for true freedom!

You can vote blue and spend the rest of your year doing mutual aid and direct action shit. Idealism takes action to make real. Ya cant vote for it, we must free ourselves and eachother at the same time

Anarchism is totally possible on a large scale. We can do it! Demand utopia or bust! U.N.

Find mutual aid groups near you. Im in one in boulder and we have like 0$ overhead, all volunteers and do 3 distros a week for 4+ yrs

The wealthy wont be insulated for long. They are literally talking about how to keep their security guards loyal post collapse.

What pisses me extra off about the article is that the call out for action is aimed at govs and governements... theyre the ones that started and continued this whole mess. U.n. shouldve been more direct that the majority of folks need to general strike the other classes into immediately doing something rn. We are not only causing our own extinction but also indigenous groups and species that are completely inncocent.

That's the reality people fkn avoid. Its absolutely maddening. Our ancestors watching are screaming rn. Its gonna be ugly af....

Truly. Preparing also means organizing w your neighbors unlike typical bunker strategies

How am i supposed to fund and build a tram and rail station on a 30k/yr income. Years ago we almost got a rail but biz interests overrode the gen pop and we got toll lanes. This happens everywhere. One small example of how the 1% fuck the rest of us and the earth.

Dont lump indigenous peoples into the west civ death drive. Their impact is a small fraction of "1st world nations".

Library as much stuff as possible. Stop manufacturing shit products and unneccessary junk, only make quality products that are repairable, free contraceptives for all, solar on producable surfaces, ending wars and military training, regenerative ag, obvs end capitalism and government, restore forests and grasslands to capture carbon, mass public transit (help end car culture), work less, and play more. I prolly missed some stuff, but hey im depressed and tired of watching species go extinct weekly....