If it ever bothers me, I’ll replace it with a shingled roof, but storms are gonna be loud as hell anyway.

So. I was going to sink the posts in concrete, but didn’t feel like digging, so I got the blocks. Then, I decided it’d be best to tie the posts together for safety and structural reasons. But that would be a tripping hazard, so I thought I might as well deck it. lol.

No, just crazy lumber prices, lol. I used pretty high quality hardware tho.

The hardest part was the design. I looked at YouTube, and several people built pergolas for hammocks, but none had a roof 🤷‍♂️

There is a certain amount of legal liability they would take on with the maintenance and upkeep, regular inspections, etc. Not to mention misuse by people which causes injuries.

Thanks! We don’t have power out there besides generators. This design doesn’t require much cutting - most of which I did at home. Out there, it was mainly assembling.

Interesting. I didn’t know they made small, affordable versions of these. Thanks!

Love it! The galvanized panels were fairly cheap. If they ever annoy me too much, I’ll sheet it and throw on some shingles.

Oh yeah, it’s gonna be loud during a storm. I don’t mind that, though.

I did a 75’ run and bought the military grade cable from them. I micro trenched it, direct burial, at 4-6” deep and it’s been rock solid. Pretty cheap, too.

Banding all the wood together made it really difficult to slide back and forth, but yeah, I was going super slow on the way home. There was zero traffic in my neighborhood that morning.

I was really concerned with damaging the car and or marring the precious upholstery, but I once I put down the blanket and assessed, I was ok with it. I was VERY gentle, though!

Edit: whoops I thought you were replying to the post where I had the 12” boards in the car. This was just how to secure the hatch if you can’t close it all the way. No risk here, that hook will slide right out!

I definitely wouldn’t do that, either!

You might be able to secure it to the child seat LATCH locations on the back of the seat.

For sure! I live less than a mile from Lowe’s - no need to rent a truck!

For real. I went early in the morning and I live in a low traffic neighborhood.