This is our meal plan, it includes some oven food but majority is homemade, keep in mind we are on a tight budget to pay off our credit cards lol;

  1. Sweet & sour chicken with rice
  2. Chinese fakeaway
  3. Teriyaki Salmon, broccoli & rice
  4. Fish finger sandwich with crispy chickpea salad
  5. Chicken nugget wrap with crispy chickpea salad
  6. Chicken fajitas
  7. Loaded beef fries (homemade chips)
  8. Chicken fried rice
  9. Chinese chicken noodles
  10. Chicken nuggets, beans & homemade chips
  11. Pizza
  12. Cauliflower & broccoli cheese pasta
  13. Curried chickpeas with rice
  14. Chicken casserole

He chose you….he’s with you. He invited her to a party and ignored her FOR YOU. He’s picked you over and over again, sounds like she’s jealous op. Be smug! It’s embarrassing she went around telling people they were texting, they never kissed, held hands or slept together, it’s weird she broadcasted that’s she was rejected tbh.

Unfortunately yes, this isn’t something one can compromise on, there is no grey area here, you either do or you don’t want them.

Never ditch your friends because of a new partner , you’ll end up with no friends. He’s blocked you, take the hint and move on, why do you want someone who doesn’t want you?

I think the key here is to communicate with him. What difference is there really with the apps you use as long as the partner is aware you’re looking for a poly / swinger situation? It’s seems like he’s scared you’ll find someone more attractive than him and he clearly feels he’s on par of attractiveness with the apps he’s pushing for

George! Arizona (after the plane crash,liked her before)

What ?? I can’t remember that at all haha

Is she not allowed to change her mind? He had an opinion on the girls names…he was involved. And I totally agree with ops reasonings. It does favour the big over the girls, suddenly he’s not exited about his son being born because it won’t be his name given? It’s narcissistic NTA

I’m so sorry this is happening. But also please get a sexual health check

Someone could just FaceTime her as long as she muted her end 😊 doesn’t have to be a big set up!

“Brought” rather than “bought”. So irritating hearing people say “I brought this from X shop”

Pretend to start trying for a baby and save like crazy to buy a place. At least pretending to try will shut her up.

NTA but send her the wrong modifications just to shut her up lol or just say you change it every time you bake it so “don’t quite remember an exact recipe” or you could just block everyone who’s badgering you! You’re entitled to protect your peace

Honestly leave, you can’t keep burning yourself out and wasting your life with someone who clearly you don’t see a future with. Give them notice of when you will leave the property to give them a chance to get a job, if they still haven’t by that time then tough tits. Your partner doesn’t respect you and is using you for free housing & food.

Is your wife also working full time? I only ask as it sounds like she may be a bit lonely and this is her way to connect. When you come home from work, you talk about your day, but if she isn’t working she will want something to chat to you about which is the videos she’s seen. Maybe ask her what the deeper reason as to why this is upsetting her and go from there, or maybe ask her to just show you her top 10 ? 40 is so many 😂😂

NTA. Why would you invite someone who is homophobic to your wedding, you’re entitled to have people celebrating you at your own damn wedding, your mother was rightfully not invited and is now suffering the consequences of being a homophobic pos. I understand why your uncle was upset because that sounds awkward for him, but I feel he is lashing out at you and not fully understanding the big picture.

NTA but the way it was handled was very juvenile and likely embarrassed your son even further tbh. Definitely apologise to the host though.

This is so gross! I wrap my pads in tissue and the wrapper they come in (which as a seal sticker on) so they stay rolled up. Because even in a covered bin, they can 1) smell & 2) rub blood on the bin bag (which could leak). Honestly it baffles me why women won’t cover their tampons / pads in tissue at the very least. It’s just curtesy.

You can get a houseshare for 500 pm if that’s what you’re looking for. Avoid byker and do not move inside the wall