She’s seen a thing or two

Your brother is SO WEIRD for that. And who knows who’s kid that actually is

I feel like the whole cast is really hot or really not. No in between

It’s her always licking her lips that grosses me out. Like girl, put your tongue back in your mouth

no princess should have to open their own door

Also. Since she’s over 150lbs, she’s need 2

Damn was gypsy not at her dads wedding

Yea that’s the first picture when I’m like “damn she looks exactly like gypsy”

Because it happened to my mother by a family member I grew up with my mom having the boundaries you have and I’m SO THANKFUL. My friends/ cousins didn’t get the same and it’s heartbreaking seeing what some of them went through and how it changed our trajectories in life. Also as the friend/ family member I don’t get why people change other peoples kids diapers. I’m VERY helpful with the kids in my life. But to me that’s private. It’s literally a baby’s genitals. I’ll wash bottles, do laundry and load and unload strollers and chance I get, but I’m not touching a diaper. Hell I’ll go over to my friends and entertain the kids so she can shower and eat without distractions while we party to some blue in the living room.

Even if he wasn’t trying to harm baby, pushing a new mom’s boundaries is still such a red flag. I bet he’d get mad if one of his buddies insisted on changing his kids diaper over and over

By meeting I don’t mean like “oh hi baby” because yea baby doesn’t know that man from a carrot. But to be in the situations she’s in with him and baby. Like being alone in a room with your new baby and a man you’ve talked to for one month is just too soon. She said she’s “known of” not known him before. That’s like I know of the guy at the bank who takes my weekly deposits and chats with me occasionally. I definitely wouldn’t give him that access to my child after a month of talking.

Yea. He “knew of her” (not to get confused with knew her) foe 2-3 years and didn’t show any interest. Then when he finds out shes a single new mom he makes his move and makes her his girlfriend in a month? Then a week later trying to change her diaper?

So I took custody of a child that wasn’t mine. This was a child I’d already helped raise and known for their whole life and even then I was so focused on learning how to parent and meet their needs dating was literally non existing and I didn’t even care or think about it. I wanted to make sure that child was settled and that I was settled in our new roles. And this child could talk and use the bathroom on their own. I can’t imagine with a brand new baby!

Because I’m 2-3 years he didn’t show interest then he found out she was a brand new single mom and they’re boyfriend girlfriend in a month? That’s kind of weird

No she said she’s “known of him”. That’s not the same thing. I know of the guy at my bank that takes my weekly deposits and he’s also met my family before. That doesn’t mean he’s get unsupervised access to my kids genitals after one week of dating.

He insisted over and over. Even if he didn’t have bad intentions to the child, he’s pushing boundaries with a new mom and that’s a red flag. I bet he’d get mad if one of his buddies insisted on changing his kids diaper unsupervised over and over.

No, she didn’t say they knew each other, she said they “knew of” each other. I know of the guy at the bank who takes my weekly deposits, that wouldn’t give him unsupervised access to my child’s genitals

Even if he didn’t have bad intentions with the baby, he’s still pushing a new mom’s boundaries. He can’t take no for an answer. I’m sure he’d be pissed if one of his buddies insisted over and over to change his kids diaper without him around

Like that man does not need to be around your child. He had YEARS to ask her out but waited until she had a fresh new baby? Weird.