Are you Installing it, or just asking for esthetics? I’d be a lot more concerned about how your making a clean cut for the outlet.

The cobra seat was supposed to be the main seat for my girl and I but had this other one, flipping the cobra upside down fit surprisingly well with the geometry

It’s definitely strong enough, I do it daily. You need a correct size pilot hole. Also make sure you got at least a 4ah battery fully charged and you can do this all day

Fuck the mud, as an AV installer you are a godsend

Is this your house or a client? Because if you can make this, you should definitely know how to snake those wires down the wall.

I commute between 2-5 hours a day depending on the job site. Boss pays for company cars, gas, and 1/2 of the commute time is paid hourly. I would 100% not do what you’re doing with out something similar to this kind of compensation

I was on tour with my band passing through Montana in the dead of winter. They shut down the highway because of how slick the ice was on the highway. As we were slowly being ushered by police off the highway there were wrecks all around. We passed by a car that was completely burnt to a crisp with the driver still in the drivers seat. The body was so burned it almost looked cartoonish. Have that image in my head forever now.

It sucks because of eye pokes, would rather light spar instead

Alight I feel like everyone is going to extremes on this. Gloves and shin guards should be sprayed & wiped down and left to dry every time. On the other the other hand, shorts and wraps can go 2-3 days making sure your let them hang and air out. I shower before and after anytime I go to the gym no matter what. Just practice normal hygiene, if something smells don’t use it and definitely wear deodorant. Glove smell is always going to happen but do your best to prevent and keep them clean. Shirts on the other hand should never be reused, that shits just gross haha

Fries, get that filler shit out of my face

How long does something like this usually take you?

Tripping on the sidewalk. I get irrationally angry even for a tiny stumble

Where do I put my 50k?Other

I’ve been able to save 50k in savings in the past 5 years. It’s just been sitting in my checking. Investing has always scared me. Should I open a savings account, if so do I put it all in at once or in increments? Should o be investing, if so what’s safe a steady? Should I try to buy property? Appreciate any and all help.


Peanut butter and jelly mixed in a bowl, never had bread in the house

Working a service industry job

I’ve lost friends over arguments about pickles because of this.