The crazy thing is, you only need to control 3 nodes to dominate world trade. Controlling either Seville or English channel where you can collect. Then taking the Ivory coast and Carribean. These two nodes basically control all trade going into Europe and if you control them, you can just sit and let all the other empires push trade back while you collect all the ducats.

No, you are right. Idk why I thought she was a good actress now that I think about it. She has made a lot of money post GOT.

I like how the Seven are constantly rotating members to add fresh storylines to the show. I feel like this has kept Homelander and voughts story in general rather fresh as they are always exploring new storyline and relationships. I think one of the problems with the Boys is that we have already explored all the Boys and the team has been the same for 4 seasons. I kind of wish they would cycle the members more. Maybe kill a couple off. I think Frenchie should probably been killed or sidelined last season. He is just boring at this point and doesn't serve a reason within the team.

Richard Madden is okay. His acting won't distract you, but it won't wow you either. Alfie Allen is around the same as Madden but just not as good looking, so I think that is why he hasn't gotten as many roles. Gleason was great, and I can't believe I forgot him. Hope he gets more roles. The Tommen actor is good as well.


I feel like Maisie Williams and Jack Gleeson are the only younger actors who were consistently good. Kit Harrington is pretty mid, Emilia Clarke is not a good actress, imo and I am not sure how she landed that role in her mid-20s with how mediocre she was.

He could have been a King Maker. He could have declared himself King after killing Aerys. But decided to concede to Robert and Ned.

Plus, he managed to get his son on the throne and was banging the queen.

Aegon V would be the the most interesting. I don't he would have any qualms about the conquest. But I think with his knowledge of post dragon Westeros, he would have come up with a better governing system. He would probably try to centralize to a certain extent and reduce the power of the nobles in general.

The System Aegon the Conqueror established was basically a tributary system. A system that relied on the Iron Throne to be strong and be able to crush large rebellions with ease to maintain.

Aegon, Corlys and Alicent are important characters in his own right and can carry a couple of episodes based in Kings Landing and Aegons assination.

I think OPs argument is skewed because Alicent and Rhaenyra are the matriachs of their respective families. They are responsible for the well-being of everyone. They know that if they send people to war, their lives are their responsibility. No one else has to make that calculus.

Alicent didn't even choose war. She basically gets ousted as the head of her family by Aegon as he begins to consolidate his power as king. Aegon is young and reckless compared to the older figures, so he doesn't think about the consequences of his actions.

A good leader does what is best for their subjects. Rhaeynra exhausted all diplomatic avenues before she realized the war could not be stopped. While it can be frustrating to us and her council, who see the war as inevitable and want revenge, Rhaeynra needed to know if the war can be avoided before she send hundreds of thousands of her people to their deaths.


Basically, every other species newborn is the equivalent of a human 3 year old. This is because due to us having to run on two feet, women developed narrower hips. Combine this with one of the longest development times for any species. Evolution decided women should give birth early, and babies should have big heads.

Everything in life is about sex. But sex is about power.

Join the faith like Tyrion was thinking about doing. Become a Maestor like Maestor Aemon. Join the Nights Watch like Benjen did. Or serve as a sworn sword for another higher lord like Sandor Clegane and Brynden Tully.

:mason: Mason Order :mason:

You kick the boat, the boat kicks back

Yup, I gave up eu4 for a full year. Reinstalled it a few weeks ago and have been playing like I have never played it before.

The Black Queen

Rhaeynra could have been the perfect Queen, perfect person and a goddess on earth and the Greens would have still tried to usurp her.


The top seven all deserve to be around there. Then it gets murky. Like, why are there no animated show?


It had struck a certain balance that it lost this season and the finale of last season.

Idk, dude. I am 6'7", and I am always surprised when I see someone taller. As I am rarely not the tallest person in the room, it can be a bit intimidating.

The Black Queen

No, only after. Though it is rumored that the Hightowers descend from the Empire of the Dawn, which is also to be rumored to have ridden Dragons.

There would be no point in i.troducing Cregan Stark if the show ended at Rhaenyras' death.

The hour of the wolf will be the last episode imo.

He is talking about how after Nicea, Christianity essentially became the state religion. This gave the government the ability to corrupt the religion to their own means. Christianity started out as the religion of slaves and women and was usurped by the ruling authority who perverted it to their own ends.

Because they were never impoverished. They always had food on the table and a roof over their heads. Author had a good job and supported his family. Were they really struggled with getting luxury items and new school supplies. They were able to get them, but it was hard to spread that out. We hear stories of them learning to play quidistch with brooms and playing with other stuff growing up. So we know they have money for some luxuries. As for all the hand me downs, robes and books are expensive, why replace them if they are still in good condition.