People will cheer and clap regardless. Or clap for yourself. Get this party started!

I hear and maybe confidence is helpful. Do you ever run TDM? I like gun run.

I’ve smelled some bad peeps before. Some cultures just don’t use deodorant or bath as frequently and it shows.

I’ll look at that again. I had it to linear and felt like couldn’t hip fire which is something I’m trying to train myself to do more. Always something

I was so in love with these guys! I still remember their fuzzy heads

I’m thinking 1v1s that’ll I’ll never consistently win anyway. I don’t have the movement yet. I’m hoping to just get solid with the guns and recoil.

I feel like a step forward and now backwards since I’ve changed my sensitivity settings.

I’m on a controller with Xbox

What’s R5? And where do I get it?

Aim practice Question

How do you know if your aim is getting better? I’ve been practicing on the range but I can’t tell. I’ve also been tweaking my settings. Any suggestions?

Aim practice

How do you know if your aim is getting better? I’ve been practicing on the range but I can’t tell. I’ve also been tweaking my settings. Any suggestions?

In the south unions were busted up by Pinkertons and often associated with violence that was manufactured by the union busters.

I thought you said you’ve seen both sides? You just gave one side. wtf You’re correct about the negatives, but collective bargaining way outweighs the bad worker with seniority and brand new shiny good worker scenario cause the corp gonna cut your pay and your job whenever it suits them. We’re all in this together until I need to cut your hours and pay cause I gotta buy the yacht. My tax bracket is everything to me. You getting paid a living wage? Not so much. Some power is better than no power. Finally this country is starting to get that.

Finally full tacDiscussion

Finally got the elite controller and wow what a game changer. Now I can use the snare and fire the gun at the same time. Haha My right thumb couldn’t aim and shoot tac at the same time and I wasn’t about to reprogram my buttons again. Thanks for listening.

Yes, I like this about her. She’s bangin’. Any tips on how to play her or any tips on Ash?

I love watching a good Watson! One day I’m going to step up and give her a try.

I need to play ballistic again. Any tips on using the sling? Or any other tips for playing him or Ash?

I just got crypto and he’s bangin’. Then played my first love Vant in solos where she shines.