A lot of crashes were necessary to make this bit of perfection!!

You won’t make it to heaven if you haven’t repented of the sin of having sex outside of marriage, especially with someone of the same sex.

The first bead on the right would be the Our Father, the next 3 would be 3 Hail Mary’s for Faith, Hope, and Charity. The next 20 would be 10 Hail Mary’s for the first Mystery of the Day. That’s how I’d do it.

You’re focusing on the wrong thing. Focus on what you’re doing right. Take baby steps. Give God the Glory.

V2 was poisoned from the beginning. The writing of those called to participate was thrown out by Paul VI, and replaced with the foregone conclusion. Read “Infiltration” by Taylor Marshall.

Boo hoo hoo! You have to go through discernment to pray to God!! Oh how you suffer!!

You don’t HAVE to be there, and most importantly IT’S NOT BREAD!!

Even Mother Teresa went through years of spiritual dryness. Some wit once said, “When you’re going through hell, keep going!”

Have you been to Confession? Now called the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Going to confession really clears things up for me. God’s forgiveness is mind blowing. Don’t forget that we must be in a state of Grace to receive communion, and also remember it’s a Mortal sin to miss Mass, so go to confession, get yourself back into the state of Grace, and get to Church!! I go to the Traditional Latin Mass because I believe that it shows God the most respect. The Pope may close all the Diocesan Latin masses, so you might want to find an FSSP or an SSPX Church.

I feel just the opposite. I’m happily married. I love God, God loves me. You get out of life what you put into it. When I go to Mass I participate in the sacrifice by paying attention. I go to adoration after Mass. God is GREAT, in good times, and in bad. If you’re unhappy, ask yourself, are you worrying about yourself, or others. I bet you’re worried about yourself. Also remember in the letter of James states, “Faith without works is dead. “. Are you doing the work of God? Jesus said, and this may be a paraphrase, “If you want to follow me, pick up your cross, for my yoke is easy and my burden light. I looked it up, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life, shall lose it; for he that shall lose his life for my sake, shall save it. For what is a man advantaged, if he gains the whole world, and lose himself, and cast away himself?” Luke Chapter 9 23-25

Trust me, you don’t understand the dangers of riding. You understand the “idea” of the dangers of riding, but you haven’t had the experience of riding in the back of the ambulance hoping that you’ll live, or that you’ll be able to use that part of your body again. If you go ahead, make sure you get a full coverage helmet.

Stick to dating only Catholics. In the long run it’ll bring you peace and happiness. There are SO MANY THINGS that will cause grief, and if you know your mate sees the most important things the same way you do it’ll bring you peace.

Because Vatican II began about 1965, and the Church has gone down hill since then.

Vigano has lived with the threat of being murdered, for telling the truth, by the Vatican for a long time. Go back and look at how he got to this point, and realize that his stand is our stand.

You haven’t been following this long enough. Go back and follow the development. Vigano stands on firm ground.

He didn’t overlook McCarrick. Vigano told the truth and Francis ignored him.