Michigan, USA Canyon Endurace CF SL 7.0 2020

I haven’t bought from them, but have sold a bike. I think one thing that makes them able to sell for cheaper is the % that they take. At only 3.5% from the seller it’s significantly better than sites like EBay, and or selling to a place like Theproscloset. I’m not sure about the counterfeit frame thing though, but with the sites take being 10% less than eBay sellers can make the same amount off the bike selling for less. And proscloset’s offer to be was $900 less than what I got for my bike on Buycycle

You are right here, I remembered it as PEDMAS for some reason and couldn’t recall the expression. However after looking it up, Multiplication and division have the same precedence. So they just work left to right

Michigan, USA Canyon Endurace CF SL 7.0 2020

I totally missed that…. Excuse my stupidity

Michigan, USA Canyon Endurace CF SL 7.0 2020

Actually! It’s super aero to fill in that space. That’s why bikes like the Cervelo S5 have the handlebar straight into the top tube basically

Parentheses Exponents Division Multiplication Addition Subtraction

Michigan, USA Canyon Endurace CF SL 7.0 2020

Agreed, when I first started I’d stop pretty often for just a minute or two for a drink and snack. Even if my HR was low I still had to. Not the case 4 years in though.

I’ve had the limitless UDH wheels for a year now and no issues with them coming out of true, and I’ve hit my fair share of large potholes with them

Bike shops and ordering online are your answers here

“Ope, scuse’ me, lemme just move this road real quick”

The screw is too small or too short? Can you use the screw from the 1 1/8th cap?

Michigan, USA Canyon Endurace CF SL 7.0 2020

It’s only legal to obscure the plate with a rack like this in a couple of states, Michigan and I believe the other is Oregon (correct me if I’m wrong)

Michigan, USA Canyon Endurace CF SL 7.0 2020

That’s probably your best bet if you want drop bars at that price point

Also also, the money for the overweight tickets doesn’t even go back to fixing the roads 😭

If you can ride outside all year then great. For me, I wouldn’t be riding in the winter out in the cold after working in it all day. So it’s really a choice of riding or not, ill keep Zwift as it gives me all I could want for winter training

Not arguing there, but did Zwift help you train in the winter so you could enjoy some more fitness at the outdoor event? I know for me it has

One singular outdoor event can cost you as much as a whole year on Zwift, and you can race as much as you want at basically any time of day. I get price increases suck, but for what we get this isn’t bad.

Kogel is a good alternative. Worth it? Idk really. But they’re lower $200’s. I personally think my wheel bearing upgrade did more for me than the BB. 20mph is 250RPM on a 700X30 wheel. Which is obviously more than double what your spinning cadence wise ever really. Even at 10 mph wheels are still spinning faster than your cranks