Life is strange : True Colors is a good one that deals with the loss of loved ones and the emotions surrounding it.

In ghostwire tokyo, there's a quest where an anatomy mannequin does this also.

The only mod I use is the unofficial patch, which my son suggested to help with my game crashing on ps5. Otherwise, I like the game just fine the way it is.

My sister and I went to a bar once. It was a small bar in a very conservative area that played mostly classic rock and country. I picked out Before I Forget by Slipknot. It got a couple of funny looks, but nobody skipped it. Lol It sounds like your bartender gave you bad service and earned her non tip.

NTA With you fully funding your son's college tuition, that takes a burden off of his mother. Now, she can use whatever she would've contributed to his college fund on her other son.

This is the same thing that happened with my dad a couple of years ago. He is the most vocal republican ever, and when I posted something he didn't like, he went off on me. He blocked me on FB, and he blocked my phone number. He didn't like that. I asked him why he was allowed to post his opinions, and I was respectful enough not to comment on them, so why couldn't he do the same. Proceeded to bad mouth me in email and text to my husband and kids. He's a nutjob. Some people seriously can't even hear opposing opinions without freaking out.

When I saw they were remastering MediEvil, I was excited. I played that game a ton when I was young. But after years of gaming on new systems, the controls and camera angles were too much for me. I didn't get very far in the game.

I wish I had learned about finances when I was younger, either in school or by my father. We weren't allowed to know about what anything cost when I was a kid. It wasn't our business, but that meant when I moved out, I was shocked at just how much living expenses actually were. That's why my teenagers are aware of what our bills cost monthly, so they can prepare themselves for when they eventually move out. Parents really should be teaching their kids most of the stuff on this list.

Visage was a scary ass game. I had heart palpitations. I couldn't even finish it because it was so scary.

I've never seen the anime, and I don't care for Panam, so it'd have to be Jackie.

I'm a 40 yr old that only follows a couple of bands and a lot of disabled dog rescues on insta. I have never seen porn on mine. So Op is either unlucky or has interacted with similar posts before. Some people don't realize that even just clicking on it to see the comments is considered interaction, and you are basically telling insta that you're interested.

I once commented on a random article about a woman wearing a hijab in an airport. I dont see anything wrong with it. The comment I received back was that I should be raped and murdered. I reported the comment, and it didn't go against Facebook standards, so it wasn't removed. I took a screenshot of it and posted it with Facebook's response as a public cover photo, and it got removed, and I got a 24 hr ban. Lol

There's been several times when I'm running across one of those highways, and it suddenly looks blurry, and I drop to my death. There's some very weird glitches in this game. But they're usually hilarious, and I quick save constantly, so I don't mind so much.

Sanctuary is my main settlement because that's where I built my two story garage for all of my power armor, and I don't feel like moving it. But since doing the far harbor dlc, I really like the seaside Inn I built at Dalton's farm.

Are you talking about Marcy? I hated her, so I made her a supply line so I don't have to see her miserable ass anymore.

I think they put that statement out with good intentions and then ruined it with the statement that anything on the list could disappear. I mean, what's the point? Ending it like that invalidates everything that came first. They may as well have said we have a list of improvements, but we may or may not actually do them, so don't get your hopes up.

My dad is a lifelong republican, who's always been vocal about it when the topic would come up. The past 10 years or so, he's become unbearable. We spoke for the first time the other day after 2 years because he's just so hateful. He's gotten to the point where if he can't tell you his views, he has a whole wardrobe filled with racist, homophobic, anti-woke t-shirts, so you have to see it. Now it's nonstop and unprovoked. Life has been peaceful, not having to listen to his bs. I'm sorry your mom is headed down the rabbit hole.

Forcing Op to reveal this when they're obviously not ready or willing could have an even larger negative effect on the marriage than asking his wife to just take a damn hint. I assumed by his insistance to not talk about it that it was most likely SA, why can't the wife get a clue? Communicating is important for a marriage, but so is allowing those we love to come to us. As humans, we should be allowed a certain amount of privacy, and the wife is not respecting his. I'm also a victim who's been married for 22 years. My husband has never forced me into telling him the worst thing that's ever happened to me. That's what this wife is trying to do.

Op, my father would've loved this pic. He's a bigoted ass also. I love my dad because he's my dad, but now that I'm grown and have my own kids, it's nice not having to associate with him. I understand having to maintain an uncomfortable balance between putting your foot down and not causing more conflict for the family. It's a hard line to ride, and not everyone is going to understand it. Also, it's entirely possible your dad does cool and creative stuff with his lawn when he's not being a bigot. Not everything my dad does is hateful. I'm sorry you've also got a shitty dad.

When I started playing Atlas, I actually checked the release dates for both games. The combat and movements were so similar. But they were released within months of each. So, no copycats. Lol, I loved the water surfing in Forspoken, and I love the sand gliding in this game. Constant movement definitely helps, especially with some of the later enemies.

Combat takes some time to get used to, but the clunkiness doesnt really go away. I had played Forspoken before this, and the combat for both have similarities, so i caught on pretty quick. Make sure you take full advantage of the sandwhip hook. It's super helpful. I don't remember when it becomes available, though. Sorry.

My grandparents had a root cellar filled with home canned fruits and veggies. I wish I had learned from them when I was young because canned food at the store just doesn't taste like freshly canned.

I would have to be dying for me to go to a hospital, so I'm not worried about it. I've seen you comment about ride shares several times. So I just wanted to remind you that it literally is not an option for everybody. I don't have any of those people you list close enough to drive me in an emergency. I didn't say it absolves any responsibilities. Simply saying that for some people driving themselves is the only option.

There are no ride share services where I live. I realize that more people live where they do exist than those of us who do not, but we don't all have that option. If I needed medical assistance, I'd have to drive myself. An ambulance would take almost 30 minutes to get here.