Oh, I forgot that there's a rule that you must deface the memes. I was trying to figure out what the scribbles meant

Isn't that a whole manifesto of saying the quiet party out loud?

Oh, come on. He did some good stuff. Like put out a welcome mat for fascism

I've still got a little hope that they just aren't showing their hand until they finalize their decision to replace him. Maybe wishful thinking, but I need something

Perhaps. He's always gone on nonsensical rants and his Twitter account looked like it was hijacked by a 7 year old. It's hard to see decline when you've only got a couple inches to fall.

You know, it's funny that I just saw an article arguing that Rassemblement National wasn't far right. So why would one of their candidates proudly wear an SS cap?


Jello should run. This was his mayoral platform:

Businessmen to wear clown suits within city limits.

Holding elections in which police would be voted into office by the neighborhoods they patrolled.

Appointing a board of bribery that would set fair bribery prices.

Tearing down Pier 39.

Legalizing squatting in vacant buildings.

Paying the unemployed to panhandle in wealthy neighborhoods including Feinstein's.

Banning cars city wide.

Erecting a statue of Dan White and having the parks department sell eggs, tomatoes and rocks with which to pelt it with.

I heard he hated the white house itself, not the job. He called it a "dump" if memory serves

That actually makes a lot of sense. I can think of several countries that would prefer a Trump presidency. Biden is polling is the near certain loss range (Trump +8). Yeah, yeah, you can't trust polls, but it's a bit foolish to completely ignore them too. They've been consistently bad and just got worse

His speech was noticably more slurred in 2020 compared to a few years prior. It wasn't hard to extrapolate where things were going even then.

It's mind boggling how tone deaf that incident was. Nobody on the Trump team was like "maybe you shouldn't wear that because it makes you seem like a psychopath"? I just can't fathom how anyone would think that was a good idea, but then again, I'm not a psychopath

That was my concern too. Biden will be terrible for turnout, which is bad for Dems at large. You can't expect everyone to go to the polls because they share the same hate for Trump because he's not as hated as this bubble would lead you to believe (see polls). People who don't follow politics might be willing to vote trump if they think it will lower their grocery bill, justified or not

Oh, damn. Knives out for Kennedy (it was in the article, but not relevant to the headline)

WOWZA — Vanity Fair’s Joe Hagan is out with a buzzy profile of ROBERT F. KENNEDY JR. through the lens of his close friends and family, who describe the presidential candidate as a man whose life story is “marked by personal trauma and addiction to drugs, sex, and, perhaps most perniciously of all, public adulation.”

In some of the more alarming stories, Hogan’s report includes …

An on-the-record allegation of sexual assault from ELIZA COONEY, who was a young woman Kennedy had hired in the late 1990s to work as a babysitter and personal assistant.

A photo of Kennedy posing with the cooked remains of a dog while traveling in Korea. “The photo was taken in 2010, according to the digital file’s metadata — the same year he was diagnosed with a dead tapeworm in his brain.”

Allegations that he sent friends sexually explicit photos of women that may not have been taken consensually.


The word for someone who needs to be reminded not to rape is "rapist"

The idea that humans can't be decent without religion comes across like they're telling on themselves

It's definitely gotten botty. General sentiment in comments doesn't coincide with voting behavior and when you see posts get a ton of downvotes early on and then recover, that screams bot manipulation

Ability to speak coherently disqualifies you for the office of president in this country.


The white house just needs to put a "sorry, we're closed" sign out front at 4pm. Problem solved

The US has veto power in the UN and is not a member of the world court, and is in fact outright hostile to the world court (see "Hague invasion act")

The US doesn't play by the same rules as the rest of the world . I doubt that threat was even under consideration

That said, we are an empire on the brink of collapse, so I don't know how long that will last

Remember how Bernie polled significantly better than Hillary in a head to head with Trump? Shit libs can dismiss the socialism label all they want, but even Trump is campaigning on protecting Medicare and SS. Socialist policies are popular but people are scared of the goddamn word?