Unfortunately, she's not breeding dogs with each other. If you know what I am trying to say. /s


The Dems stole the election again, give until it hurts. Trump 2028, Trump 2032, Trump 20xx Trump has turned into a folk hero at this point /S

Edit: oops, this was meant to be a joke

It's like playing Russian Roulette because you like the rush of pulling the trigger and not dying. I’ve had plenty of friends decide to pull that trigger one more time, and they are not as lucky this time.

I'm not a big fan of vets. Some of them pull the euthanasia card too quickly. I had a cat I took to check on her CKD status. She wasn't getting better but was also not at the point of euthanasia. The vet called and offered to go ahead and put her to sleep over the phone. I said no and picked her up right away. It really pissed me off. She was my soul cat, not some stray I just had picked up from the street, hence the 10k I spent over the past few months on treatment with that vet.

Does she follow American politics much?

The country values style over substance. The definition of entitlement. Boomers look at Trump and see his garishness as their idea of success. Look at the evangelical ideal, flashy suits, and wives with big hair; it's no coincidence that the evangelicals support Trump.

My wife’s ex-husband’s wife, Nicole, tried to accuse me without directly accusing me of molesting my stepdaughter. She didn't do this in court because they would lose custody for the false accusation but through CPS. CPS investigated and found out that there was sexual abuse happening at the accuser's house. They ended up getting supervised visitation with my daughter. There were four other children in that house, and they eventually took the others; two went to their biological father, and the other two went to foster care. Nicole died from a drug overdose about a year later.

Rats are very good at reading your body language. I remember when I adopted my first boy, Ratso ❤️. I adopted him because he had been at the pet store for too long; I was worried he would become snake food. I didn't know anything about rats. He had my number, though, and escaped after a few days and started to live the life of a bachelor rat. I left food out for him, which he ate, and he started stealing stuff to decorate his pad. I caught him by putting aluminum foil under his food bowl and heard him walking across it one night. He looked like a little boy who got caught with his paw in the cookie jar. He didn't try and run or anything. 😆

Yup. I would consider the USA a developing country at this point. The country has some major issues.


Nations are often characterized by their economic status and key economic metrics like gross domestic product (GDP), GDP growth, GDP per capita, employment growth, and unemployment rate. In developing countries, low production rates and struggling labor market characteristics are usually paired with relatively low levels of education, poor infrastructure, lack of sanitation, limited access to health care, and lower costs of living.

I'm sorry. I wish I could help. All of mine were pet store rats. I didn't do anything magical. Just keep on working with yours. Hopefully, they'll settle down. I always thought breeders were the way to go, but now I'm unsure about that idea. I no longer own rats because I got tired of being heartbroken when they passed. They are like little dogs, so sweet.

Shit gave me a great idea. Copy a bunch of satanic death metal CDs and print Bible study on the outside. Start it by saying in an evil voice, “Now you're cursed!” then heavy metal guitars! 😈

Again, weird. I've probably owned around a hundred rats and never had this problem. Pet store rats. I raised a couple of accidental litters. I always just reached into their tank and picked them up without a problem. Maybe the rats they sold you are just skittish. Some animals are born nervous because of genetics. Rats are not hamsters and don't need “taming” because they have lived around humans since the beginning of time.

Book title

Boeing: The wrong stuff. How corporate greed destroyed America's space program.

My almost constant alcohol and drug use! Inability to follow or comprehend even the simplest instructions. You're asking what makes me instantly unemployable, right? /s

Because I feel like the pet store was mean to your rats. Not angry with you. I think the employees mistreat the pets. You did nothing wrong.