He's one of my favorite artists! Love to see his work and hope to get something from him someday

First off I’d recommend you don’t get 4 of these, you’ll just waste electricity running them instead of something denser like a 16tb drive, especially because 12.5/TB isn’t a crazy deal.

If these are just for a hobby get refurbished drives from server parts deals. I’ve bought from them before and their shipping and customer support are top notch and the prices are hard to beat. If these are mission critical you should still get new, but denser (ie 16-20tb) drives for the cost to run them.

Now to answer your actual question you’d need either a nas bay or some computer you can run unraid or promox or the like on. Plug the drives into that and hook it up to your network. /r/homeserver is a good resource

Yeah everyone is different. I tried aluminum free and whatever was in it dried my skin out so bad I had to not wear deodorant for a few days to recover. I then went back to regular old aluminum deodorant

S2 of mando was good too, 3 just fell off

30 and gold was my first Pokémon. Feels right

When they made it so you could just touch them instead of kiss they made it random or alternate. I haven't gotten enough of them to know which yet

“Hey I am sorry, but I reflexively said yes to drinks as normally I love drinking. I’m actually trying to cut down on alcohol lately (give reason if you want), would you mind if we do [xyz activity] instead?”

Are you really surprised that a group that ultimately supports Hamas and would love to eradicate every LGBT person is doing this???? God I hope this shit wakes up a bunch of liberals that palestine is not your friend, they support hamas

Fruity Cocktail Drinker

Excuse you? Losing attraction to your partner and voicing that doesn’t make you an idiot. I had this convo once with an ex and we both got in great shape as a result. It’s about phrasing

:ivoted: I voted

That’s a wild take after living through roe v wade being overturned

When it comes to dating? No. They want to believe that they're the only girl in the world with you, whether you only date them or not.

That was my first thought, but then almost immediately afterward it hit me that the regular one has the triangle dress and i thought the legs on the left might represent that. At this point I'm just unsure

My mom recalls not being able to go outside due to air pollution growing up in the 70s so.... not really

He's also a white male, a huge boon for capturing a certain portion of the population

That's less than I made starting as an engineer 5 years ago (not software). Sounds crazy low to me

Yeah I feel the same. I only read stuff about the episodes after I finished. Now that I finished the season I’m reading a lot of the same conclusions I made.

I was just yesterday talking to someone who hadn’t started s3 yet and the best way I could surmise it after 8 episodes was that ‘nothing really happened this season’. I watched the last 2 episodes today and my view ain’t changed. Nothing happened this season and it leaves you feeling wanting in a bad way. Someone else said it right. Filler doesn’t have to be bad, it can lead to a lot of good character development. But this was just too much filler

Character actress Margo Martindale is an under appreciated legend

Just what this country needs. Another TV personality as president

University of San Diego

USD isn't a public school. Not that it detracts from Jonny's accomplishments or anything. But it's not a public school

san fernandino

Hahaha you're mostly there. It's san fernando, you're adding in san bernadino somehow. But yeah it's well known tons of porn came out of that area

I might go kill a few bosses for their pets (vorki anyone?) and then use the rest of the time on nex

Lumby elite is the easiest and best elite diary to get done in terms of qol

Yeah but there’s more people on the west coast than the rest of that portion of the US combined soooo