That's the obvious bit. You are also just describing the picture.

The thing is what is the actual joke, like down to the core.

2/2 is 1, C is any numeric value, but also just a conventian. Any symbol can mean anything. Is that the whole joke? Is there more to it Idk. Because that alone is just dumb.


You are supposed to explain the joke, not describe what you can see on the picture.


Don't have time to watch the whole thing but for what? For not leaving and walking around and getting put in cuffs? Felony? I watched until she gets brought to the ground. After that there surely can't be much escalation if the cops are not shit or the justice system is retarded.


Fuck man, reddit full of retards.

I have to answers:

  • one saying i should watch the video

  • once giving a relatively comprehensive answer

Which one has the more upvotes? Of course the one that says "WaTcH tHe ViDeO"

Native (Swabian, Southern BW)

Not a show but for a couple of weeks now there's a simple version of the Tagesschau (public funded main daily news) in simple words targeted for leaners and foreigners with not so good german skills. It's literally branded as "Tageschau in einfacher Sprache".

Since it's daily it might be a cool routine to get 10 minutes of german in.

Wouldn't chose spaghetti but the overall combo is quite good. Fusili or so work much better.


Ok, stimmt. Is echt simpel.


No fucking shit.

Dieses Land Mann. Der offensichtlichste Scheiss dauert 100 Jahre.


Und wie macht man das? Mit Klartextspeicherung? lol

satisfying? why would you put all this shit on your wall? Is this legitamitely not a troll? What are all these unnecessary stupid frame things?


Dude, it just a subsection of "beyond this point" ... and the sign doesn't define what beyond "that point" means. Idk what perverted libraries you run over there that would warrant such a warning. I am sure this is EXTREME bullshit and it is absolutely not okay. This post heavily implies you can't enter the whole library and i am almost certain that this is just clickbait.

I am not defending it, i am just stating that this is probably not a sign that bans you from entering the entire library.

I'd really like to know how the water tanks etc. are realized because there's a 0-100% range if that's absolutely unusable or actually life changing, just in that aspect. I am so cynical that a final video that is like-driven won't satisfy me.


It's probably sign INSIDE the library at the access to a subsections of the library.

It's obviously bullshit because libraries are not sex video rentals but it's still a difference from "you can't enter the library at all if you are under 21 which seems to be what the average idiot reditor reads into that".

Under this absurd law every history book with a statue of a naked woman would be illegal. Btw. male penis have to be errect to be too much, so Michelangelos David is kosher.

American state laws are middle age, wtf.


Dieser Sommer war bedeckt? Der Sommer ist gerade mal 11 Tage alt und hier im Süden auch überwiegend sonnig


Da fällt mir ein, da gerade Summer sale is. Firewatch ist ein richtig nettes Spiel das zum Thema passt. Locker die 4 Euro wert. Story driven linear open world oder wie man sowas nennen mag mit guter Atmosphäre. 4-5 Stunden Spielzeit.


AI voice: Imag...

Me: Downvote & blocked

Circlejerk is circlejerk but what does nyjah/street skating or tits have to do with nba?

There's the Tom Dempsey rule that doesn't allow for weirdly shaped shoes. Dude was born without toes and had a super weird shoe shape, kinda like a shoe for an elephant would look like. So they made a rule in 1977 that the shoes of someone with an artificial limb must have the same kicking surface than a normal kicking boot. I'd assume that implies that fully able bodied players can't have fancy kicking surfaces either.

Mods pin a comment to remind everyone of the rules and yet this is still up afterre 10 hours and has nearly 90% upvotes.


This is how subs go to shit.


Niemand notierte ...

Wieso sollte man, das ist doch der ganze Witz? Es gibt genau eine Sache die diesen Post ausmacht und das ist genau das.

What a masterpiece.

I was expecting a "Photoshopman" punch line, but nope.

P.S.: I have seen at least one of your comics that play with this idea but was absolutely unsure what to expect


Der moderne move für sowas is übrigens ... und für Viele einigermaßen überrraschend, ein deutsches Unternehmen

If you know who that is you are watching trash content outside of him.

Dislike and block every single trash low effort video and you experience will be bliss, at least on youtube.

When i first started watching youtube shorts i had to block 95% of the shorts i got because for some reason it didn't know about my preferences from 400 subbed channels. Now i have to block 1 in 20.

You are the smith of what bullshit the algorythm feeds you.