It really is! 😂

Can’t turn it off.🤷‍♀️😉


It will end up with sticky stinky beer smell in it and it’s not reachable to clean.

I’d get stained glass put in there myself.

It would look beautiful.

My hubby got our cat hooked on bacon. I keep saying one day he will need a 12 step program..

“Hi, my name is Squeaker, and I have an addiction..”

Laundry chute.

Please be careful using it as over the years the metal can shift causing clothes to be ripped or damaged or get stuck.

We ended up closing ours off upstairs for this reason.

That’s with no heat styling????

So Jealous!!

It’s gorgeous.

Plus, maybe kick him in his “Synergy.!”

Press charges.

Tell mom & dad and have them contact school principal.

This is assault plain and simple.

I went to Sephora and they took close up face skin pics and then picked foundations based on my skin type and needs.

She let me try a few on my face to check skin tone.

I got a great foundation based on their recommendations.

Your husband is attractive, plus he likes to fish! Wish my hubby liked fishing.

He’s the whole package! (Respectfully)

Okay I have to ask is that a water bed? I’m wondering because of the encased frame.

That color compliments your skin tone perfectly!

It looks wonderful on you!

You definitely owned it! 😉

I think you look very distinguished!

You have a pipe and Kitty wears a tuxedo so it’s perfect!

Try Nextdoor app as well for the neighborhood you are in.

In our neighborhood on Nextdoor app several of us look out for lost and stray cats.


If it was me eventually I would have a built in bench with storage underneath, and a cool pillow top cushion on it.

Good place for upright small vacuum, or swiffer, broom, dustpan etc.

I am guessing this is a front door on the left.

Having dealt with a house like this if an animal has had accidents I would tear out all of the carpet first even if you can’t put any back down and then offer a carpet allowance (if you want to).

Most importantly clean the house itself. You need to get rid of the smells inside of it.

We removed everything and put it in storage so we could actually look at the house itself.

We also sorted things into donate, trash, sell, keep/save piles.

We wiped down walls, tore out carpet, sealed sub floors with an odor blocking paint, repainted all walls and ceilings with Kilz odor/zinsser in two coats and then used a regular paint on top.

Cleaned all baths, and kitchens etc.

Perhaps a smaller two seater couch instead of a three seater couch?


Graduation is about your kid and not about you.

I get that it sucks the ex cheated and is with him now and your son has bonded with him. It hurts. Big time. I get it. Your feelings are justified.

But don’t punish your son for what she did.

You should have gone to graduation and sat the furthest away from them that you could have.

If your son gets married and has kids, I’m guessing you will want to see them. You will end up seeing the ex if you want to be in your son’s life.

So the question is which is more important to you? Your son’s happiness? Or hating your ex wife?

Heck NO!

Never let them move in they are Moochers!! Users!!