Also many LDS, who normally always 100% vote with the pubs are voting purple.

So true. He absolutely does not give a rat fuck about America, that's for sure. Jan 6 proved that.

Hopefully they'll get a new CEO who can turn things around and get their AZA accreditation back. AZA is pretty strict.

We saw them too! The whole group was in FantasyLand with a plaid going in the side door for Mr. Toads Wild Ride lol

Agree, seems like they really are trying to help people. Maybe they don't like the idea of the CA law about all EVs in a few years? Especially when they're in the business of selling gasoline.⛽️

TX has pipelines that distribute fuel. CA stations get their fuel delivered by truck. Truckers are in unions, etc.

Yes! She has an office in SF. Her speaking engagements are so inspiring! Jane Goodall helped design the Chimpanzee enclosure at the Oakland Zoo - stops by often when she is in the area. Loves speaking to middle & high school students.

SF Dept of Health might like to see these pictures. SF.GOV

Sounds like something like that is happening now in the US. Dear God, please don't let that evil, horrifying excuse for a man win.🍊🍄🤢

The Power of the People is greater than the People in Power. VOTE so he DOESN'T get in office again.

Sometimes they give you a choice. I chose to get a prescribed cream and put it on everyday.


"Honey? Did you move the car last night?" But it's really still there. April Fools!

Text 510-464-7000 (BART POPO)If you or someone is in danger, text what station you just left & what car you're in. They met a colleague of mine at the next station (Coliseum/Airport) and two guys walked away in handcuffs.

Catamount too! This animal is in the Guiness Book of World Records for most amount of names!